Start from the beginning

"That's enough." I hear Cole's voice making me laugh breaking away from him.

I huge smile graces my face as I turn around to face the guest. "Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Morales." the pastor said as we walked down the aisle hand and hand.

"Did I tell you, you look beautiful?" Iván asked as walked to where we will be taking pictures. "Yes, a million times since you have seen me. I still can't believe you cried." I chuckled and he bumped me with his shoulder.

"You cried too." he pointed out. "I only cried cause you did." I defended "Noo I saw you blinking rapidly before I started." he says then proceed to show me what I looked like causing me to laugh.

"There's the newlyweds. Are you ready for pictures?" the photographer lady asked and we nodded.

I shiver a bit cause of the wind. Yes, we had  a beautiful outside wedding but our reception is indoor, thankfully cause it's getting chilly.

"Do you want my jacket?" Iván said already beginning to take off his jacket but I stop him. "No, it was just a little breeze." I tell him.

He gives me a look basically telling me that I better not be lying and I just smile at him giving him a thumbs up.

After me and Iván got done taking pictures everyone that was in the wedding came so that we could all take pictures.

Which included all the kids, both of our siblings, his parents, and my mom.

• • •

"The Mr and Mrs will now have the first dance." Syire, the host of the reception announced.

Syire wasn't going to be the host until he somehow convinced Iván to let him during one of their weird boys' nights.

They were probably drunk.

Iván holds out his hand for me which I take feeling how clammy they are. "We're married now. It's nothing to be nervous about." I assure him. "It feels like I'm proposing again." he chuckles causing me to laugh remembering how nervous he was.

"Can you believe that you're Mrs. Morales now?" Iván asked with a huge smile on his face.

"Iván you been introducing me as that this whole time." I remind him. "And now it's official and you got the ring to show for it." he said then spins me around bringing me back to face him.

"I love you." I say while looking into his eyes. "I love you." he says back then kissed my forehead.

"Remember I use to kiss your hands?" he asked and I nodded. "Now I kiss other things." he says smirking. I felt his hands moving down my back to somewhere.

"Nope. Stop." I tell him and he pouts. "The whole family is looking at us." I remind him and he shrugs. "I mean they gonna know I do more than touch your bum when you return from our honeymoon pregnant." he says causing my face to heat up looking away from him.

"Tsk. Tsk. You know I like when you look me in my eyes." he said as he grabs my jaw making me face him. "Your ears are getting a little red." he begins to tease me.

"Hush." I said just as the music ended.

• • •

"Do you not want any wine?" Iván asked me referring to my still full wine glass and I looked over at him in panic. "I don't like wine." I said still not looking at him. "You love wine." he reminds me while looking at me questionably.

"Nope." I simply said.



Both him and the kids called me at the same time. I just love my kids so much. "Sorry." I give him an apologetic look even though I was more than happy to leave him.

"Here take me and mom picture." Cole stands next to me. "Cole when did you get so tall?" I said looking up at him. "Mom I been grew." he said chuckling, his voice is deeper now too. I only see him during the holidays cause he's a college boy now. Wipes fake tears.

Basically, all the older kids are out of the house except Mia and Selena. They graduate next year though when Cole graduates college.

Yes, my baby is graduating from college soon.

Everyone always asks him how his mom is only 28, like mind your business.

"Okay let's get this celebration started." Syire said. How is he with the Dj now?

• • •

"So are you going to tell me what's wrong or do I have to fuck it out of you?" Iván asked as he unzipped the back of my wedding dress.

My mouth parted in shock not expecting him to say that since he's been quiet this whole time.

"Huh?" I asked pretending to be confused. He just hums as he helps me out the wedding dress.

"You wore white, my favorite." he said referring to the lingerie I had on under the wedding dress.

"Now are you going to tell me that you're carrying my child or what?" his breath fanning over my neck then placing a kiss there.

I stand there frozen not expecting him to say that. "You didn't think I wouldn't notice the change in your habits or the fact that you've been throwing up for the past week?"  he asked then walks away from me going to the other side of the room as I stand there dumbfounded.

I swear I was keeping a secret. Just embarrassing.

"I'm sorry." I whisper "Were you going to tell me or was I going to have to figure out myself?" he asked with a pout and instead of answering I go into my suitcase getting out the gift that I had for him.

"I had this planned before the wedding." I said handing him the little gift bag.

He opened the gift bag still with a pout on his face as I try to hold back my smile. "Take out the cloth one first." I instruct him and he pulls out a rolled-up cloth.

Unrolling it reveals a baby onesie that says 'Hi daddy, see you in nine months.' I cried when I first saw it.

I look over to see Iván's eyes watering up. "I don't know why I'm crying. This will be my 5th child." he laughs at himself.

He reaches into the bag grabbing the last thing which is a rectangle box. "Did you clean it off first?" he asked before opening the box already knowing what it is.

"You acting as if I peed on the whole thing but yes I wiped it off." I said to him and he opened the box immediately grabbing the pregnancy test.

"Oh my... it's real!" he then turns towards me with wide eyes. "You're having a baby!" he said with a bright smile.

Did he forget that he's the one that outed me?

He grabs my face kissing me with so much love I could melt. "Can you have sex while pregnant?" he asked and I shrugged.

"I think so." I said. He grabbed his phone looking it up. After a couple of seconds of silence, he turns to me with a smirk.

Oh? I guess you can.

"Tell my baby they better put their seat belt on cause it's going to be a crazy roller coaster." Iván says and I can't help but laugh.

It's literally the size of a penny right now.


end scene 👁👁 this is the longest chapter i ever made for this book almost 2k words 🧍🏾‍♀️

writing this is making me miss this family :(

ugh i love sailor and the kids and ivan and his kids so much

let's skip over the fact that we ain't really pay attention to ivan's kids 💀

i mighttttt be planning a spin off but who knows 🤷🏾‍♀️

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