Happy Face

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Jeffery Allen Woods. The infamous serial killer, the most terrifying person in Ohio. At least, that's what he claimed to be. He was known by few, and those few called him 'Jeff the killer,' which only brought a smile to the killer's face... as if his smile could get any wider. Jeff didn't care for anyone but himself, but he was afraid of things. That's the only reason he came to help poor little Jess.
The girl was one of a being named 'The Slender Man's' proxies. If anything happened to them, Slender would have Jeff's head in a heartbeat. Especially when they called on him specifically. All the proxies did was collect information and kill a few people, he didn't know why he always had to get dragged into their business. Jeff could pout all he wanted, but he knew he wasn't getting out of this one. Yeah, maybe he did take a liking to Jess awhile back, but he still didn't see her as a friend.
Jeff cursed under his breath as he saw the abandoned bowling ally. A low static sound rang though his ears, telling him that this was the right place. He walked over to the building, quickly finding an entrance. It was too cold for this, Jeff was certain it was. He pushed open the slightly ajar door that led into the building, immediately regretting his decision. The smell of rotting flesh and body odor overwhelmed his senses, almost making him gag. It was by far the most disgusting thing he'd ever smelled, and now he had to go into it.
Jeff grunted as he stepped into the building, immediately tripping over something in the process. Jeff fell, knocking over a display rack in the process. Jeff cursed even more. 'So much for being quiet.' He thought. Anger was already boiling in his veins, one more thing would set him off. He got up from his spot on the floor, glancing at what he tripped on.
A body. The body was mutilated so badly that it was almost impossible to make out the person's face. Possibly male, twenty two years old. He was wearing casual clothing, telling Jeff he must've stumbled in here without thinking. Flies flew around the corpse, maggots crawling out of various parts of his body, especially where his eyes should've been. Jeff had to refrain from gagging again, at the sight. When he killed, he never stayed around to see the person rot. There was a shattered beer bottle not too far from the body, which had to be connected somehow. Jeff only grew excited seeing the body, knowing that he'd be able to do that to someone else in a minute or two.
Jeff slowly walked around the area. It wasn't hard to find the entrance to the basement. The foor had rotted away in some areas, revealing a small entrance to the basement. He climbed in and saw another door immediately. A small light was illuminating the area around the door. Jeff's head was now clouded with dark thoughts. His thoughts lacked any form of sanity, looking at the door with excitement. Jeff wasted no time kicking the door down, and there stood a man.
"Who are you?!" The man asked, clearly panicking. Jeff's smile grew so wide it started ripping more skin, which only pleased him more. He felt fresh blood pour down his face as he stared at the man, already fantasizing about what he'd do to the man.
"A god." Jeff snickered. Jeff happily grabbed his knife out of his pocket, pouncing on Jack like a predator and his prey. Jeff refrained from laughing at the man's terror. He wasn't even fighting back. Such a pity.
"I think it's time for you to go to sleep." Jeff seethed. He plunged the knife into the man's chest and instantly the man's eyes began to grow distant. This was Jeff's favorite part. Jeff laughed a little as he stabbed the man over and over again. Blood poured out of the fresh wounds, staining the ground a dark crimson. The smell of iron grew strong in the air, making Jeff's smile even wider. The man's eyes steadily grew more distant, his grip on Jeff's wrist growing weaker and weaker. Finally, the man was gone, and Jeff's fantasy was fulfilled. As a finishing touch, Jeff carved a smile onto the man's face in hopes of making the man just as beautiful as him. Jeff got up, admiring his work. only now remembering why he was there.
"Took you long enough." Jess hissed. Jeff looked at her and rolled his eyes.
"Oh shut up, princess." Jeff snarled. Jeff wiped his bloody knife on his sweater before cutting the girl free. The girl rubbed her wrists, they were red from the ropes being tied too tightly. The apple Jess had written the symbol on had rolled into the corner, a fly had landed on it and had already started eating at it. Jeff glared at the apple, studying it. The symbol was the operators, a circle with an X through it. It was one Jeff had seen so many times before, and the one Jeff despised the most.
"Let's go." Jess suddenly said, looking at the man that was brutally murdered just seconds ago. Jack Dallas was the man she was sent here to find and kill. He had done other things that the boss didn't necessarily agree with. He got too close to finding one of Slender's greatest assets, and then almost captured someone the operator was interested in. He was also interested in Jack at one point, but he ended up being useless to the boss. He was clumsy, reckless, and had a low IQ, which meant he could easily get caught. Jess resisted the urge to laugh when she realized it sounded like Jeff.
"Right." Jeff replied, snapping out of his daze. He too was staring at the body, but not for the same reasons. He was a sick bastard, as most people had said before he killed them, and had a terrible mental state. Blood only exited Jeff. Adrenaline would pulse through his veins, creating a monster. But who could blame the guy? He went through so much, and yet his mom still ordered her husband to shoot him when he was at his lowest instead of helping him through it.
The duo left the bowling alley, and after much difficulty, Jess stopped Jeff from setting fire to the building.
"You really are no fun." Jeff stated as he got into a car. Jess rolled her eyes, working on hot wiring the vehicle.
"I'm just being reasonable. We just killed one of the main serial killers in this poor excuse of a town, and you want to burn the place down? At least let them have a little bit of a win." Jeff looked at her like she was the crazy one.
"A win?! I'm the one who killed the guy! I should get to decide if I want to burn it down or not." The car started with a roar, bringing the engine to life.
"If you want to burn it down, at least talk to him about it first." Jess stated. She then started driving, Jeff let out a huff of air, irritated.
"You're welcome by the way." He hissed. Jess mumbled a quick thanks before pulling onto a backroad, the car going quiet.

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