I have to agree with Elodie's friend. She makes sense.

"Yes, but if we are not a government of mercy, what does that say? We have to look at this from all angles." The Empress says. I roll my eyes silently.

Even if I disagree with her, she already makes a good leader. She is not blood thirsty and hungry to show her power.

"I'm not saying we just let Locanas go, but killing him? That seems a little rash. He needs to be punished harshly, of course, but death? I don't know."

To my shock, Elodie and Penelope nod. These humans are too squeamish. I have no problem with sentencing death. It is what I'm most accustomed to.

"Let's take a break, and get something to eat. I love ordering food, being pregnant allows me to be as lazy as I want." The Empress says suddenly, winking at Elodie before beckoning a guard over.

"If it were up to me, El, Locanas would be 6 feet under." Soleil remarks. I have no idea what that means.

My female laughs, but doesn't look pleased in the least.


She stands, quickly making her way to me. She silently folds her arms around me, laying her orange head on my chest. I'm speechless.

I embrace her, not ready for the words she shares with me.

"I don't want you to kill him." She murmurs, and just as my body had relaxed, it tenses again. I lean back slightly, staring down at her.

Her face is set firmly, like she's completely sure of her decision. I'm still not convinced.

"You don't have to make a decision yet. You have more time to think it over, Tiny." I rub her arm to comfort her, as I glance from Fray to Elik. Both have troubled expressions. I take a deep breath. I suppose frustration is a part of having a female in your life. I will have to get used to this life if I am to take care of Elodie.

"But, don't you think he deserves some mercy? I don't know him well, but he's a person. I don't know. This is so stressful." Her eyes blur with tears, she tries to hide them in shame.

My jaw tightens as the muscle works, I despise seeing what this decision is doing to her. She is a young female, she does not have the capacity and training of laws and justice. She is massively intelligent and capable, as I've learned from being around her, but she should not be expected to decide something like this. Especially after what she has been through these past few days.

"My love, don't stress yourself right now. It hurts to see you faced with such a decision. Take your time."

"If I may.." I turn towards the voice, seeing the Empress and the other female, Penelope. They look at Elodie, small smiles on each of their faces.

"It may help if you were to... talk with Locanas. You can understand him now with your translator. Meeting him in his prison, safely behind bars, might help you make a decision. I'm sure you're very anxious to go home with your new mate."

The mention of the word mate does nothing to touch the anger I feel at the proposal. Elodie? Talking to Locanas? Unthinkable. The bastard does not deserve her company, and she doesn't need to look at him.

I open my mouth to tell them it's impossible, but Elodie speaks first.

"I like that idea. When?" I'm speechless at her agreement. I hold her a little tighter.

"Tomorrow would work best. You need to rest. I think this meeting has stressed you enough." The Empress takes Elodies hands in hers. "I know you will make a good decision, whatever it may be. We will be there with you every step of the way."

My little human smiles, but it doesn't quite reach her tired eyes.

Penelope suddenly moves to her mate, taking her kit from his arms and nestling his cheek with her nose. The offspring squeals with joy. Elik pulls his mate into his arms, smiling down at his family.

A path resounds deep in my chest as I glance back at Elodie. It seems as if our future is bright, but the fear of losing it is strong. I need to protect her from everything.

"I am taking my mate to our room. We will discuss this later."


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