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"Why is his house so pretty?" I say while gazing at Parker's house through the car window.

Isla let out a quiet laugh and continued looking into the mirror in her hand while using the end of her nail to clear away any lipstick that may have smugged on the car ride to his house. "The first time I was here I said the same thing. You don't know rich until you've met this family," she admitted after taking one last glance and putting the mirror back into her purse.

It was just us in her car as Willow claimed she had to meet with someone before joining us at the party. I ended up going over to Isla's house before and we had gotten ready together and she was able to tell me more of what to expect from tonight.

I hadn't really told anyone about meeting Diego there yet. It felt like it would be more set in stone if I did. I was actually looking forward to seeing him though. We had gotten closer during the past week which led me to believe the first day was just a random one-off because he seemed genuinely kind to me during class later.

Isla and I step out of her car which I had parked in the long circular driveway just like everyone else in attendance. Isla refused to drive because she claimed she is completely incapable of driving. And from the few seconds, I had seen her drive in the hours prior, she was absolutely correct.

My hands go down my thighs to adjust my skirt that had ridden up while sitting in the car. I decided to wear a black mini skirt and a brown satin cropped tank top. A very thin gold necklace laid around my neck and similar thin bracelets danced on my wrists. I had on a pair of brown jordans that matched the color of my top.

Isla and I had both decided to wear sneakers to avoid the possibility of being tipsy and having a higher chance of falling on our faces. She had on a black dress with a cut out on the side where her ribs were and a slit on the opposite side that went up to the top of her thigh. She also had on her Jordan obsidians to match.

We had taken one of her cars because if for some reason we weren't sober enough to drive home, Parker would at least recognize it if he saw it still in his driveway in the morning. Her logic wasn't totally there with that decision, but I didn't push it.

"Stop ogling his house and walk with me," she mumbles, "Honestly, your acting as if your house doesn't look the same." She walks up next to me and threads her hand through my arm so we are linking arms.

Looking past the exterior of the house you could see the signs of the party going on. There were many people standing outside near the front door or on the lawn. Colored lights could be seen peeking out from most of the main floor windows along with the sound of music flowing through the estate.

"How are there so many people here? They can't all go to Oak Crest," I questioned while looking down to Isla. We had almost made it to the front door and I thought I saw Willow in my peripheral vision for a second.

The hand of her arm that wasn't already connected to mine reached out and connected with her hand to make sure we didn't lose each other when entering the cluster of people. "They aren't. Some of them are students at random schools nearby but most are St. Nick's students. Even though the football teams hate each other on the field, they get along most of the time off the field."

Before I could continue my inquiry, Alexander pops up in front of us. Judging by the way he swayed he was reasonably drunk by now. "Reese," he slurs while turning his gaze to the girl next to me, "and Isla. What a great friendship that's evolving here."

Isla and I look at each other and try to keep back our laughter. Alexander was so out of it he didn't even notice our laughter. Instead, he squeezes himself between us, breaking our arms apart and putting himself in the middle of us. His arms then go to rest across our shoulders us and he ushers us deeper into the house.

The Idea of Something - Oak Crest Preparatory School SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now