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The first day at Oak Crest Preparatory School officially begins in fifty-seven minutes. The time currently is 7:23 am. That means I have twenty minutes to get to school, twenty minutes to mentally prepare for the day in the parking lot, and seventeen minutes to find my first class.

As of right now, I was supposed to drive with Rowan to school this morning. However, he seems to be taking his sweet time coming down into the foyer.

If he doesn't get his ass down here in the next five minutes I will be leaving without him. It has always stressed me out so if I leave on time. I always have to leave earlier than I need to.

I've already decided that I was going to drive today because if RJ did, then we would spend at least two minutes looking for his keys. Which would be another unnecessary waste of time.

My breathing slowly had gotten slightly quicker. Closing my eyes I take a few deep breaths to try to calm myself. I will murder this boy if he doesn't appear within the next thirty seconds.

"You look constipated."

My eyes snap open to the sound of my brother finishing walking down the first few stairs. I glare at him and turn to exit out the front door.

Normally we would be parking our cars in the garage, but that is even further to walk to and I am an especially lazy person in the mornings.

"And you look like a seventh grader, but I don't remind you everyday."

My hand pulls open the dark brown wooden door. We both walk outside before I turn back and lock the door. The only car that was outside at the moment was the shiny black Range Rover.

Technically it's my car, but at this point I let RJ drive it whenever he wants. There are plenty of other cars for him to drive, but I think he just likes the fact that if he crashes it is my car and not his or dad's.

My shoes click against the stone material of the driveway. The uniform dress code stated that all students must wear mostly black and white shoes. It's nice not having a specific shoe I have to wear because when the school picks them out they can be some of the ugliest shoes ever.

The shoes I chose to wear today are black and had a platform bottom with a strap across the top of my foot. At least they look cute with the black and white plaid skirt and black blazer. The blazer had the school crest on the upper left side.

Under the blazer I had on a white button up. For the girls, the tie was optional and I decided to opt out of that specific choice. I mean, it's cute some days but other days it is a menace to have to wear.

Multiple gold necklaces laid across my chest. I had undone the first few buttons of my shirt mainly because I hated when collared uniform shirts touched my neck. I can't explain why, they just do.

I had a few rings on my fingers. My favorite was a dainty gold band with two diamonds on either side of a marquise cut sapphire that my mother had left for me. It was an extremely small and delicate ring. A few random colorful bracelets lined my wrists which were products of activities with friends when I was younger. They were made out of small round beads and they would be covered by my blazer sleeves so they were more so being worn for moral support.

On my ears were two small gold hoops on both sides in my first and second piercings. On the right side there were two more hoops on my helix and mid helix. On the left side there were two diamond studs on my helix and upper helix.

My brother scoffs before going to the passenger side of the car and getting in. He was wearing black dress pants, a black blazer that was similar to mine, a white button up shirt, and a black and white tie. His brown hair is messy and ruffed. He had his silver chain on and a few silver rings. As different as we are, my brother and I both love wearing jewelry.

The Idea of Something - Oak Crest Preparatory School SeriesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon