46. Solnishko

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My heart skipped a beat as Alexei's hand appeared in front of me, taking the stalk of celery from my hand. I watched as he placed it carefully across the kitchen island.

His hands brushed my shoulders before sliding down my arms, leaving a trail of goose bumps in their wake. He tangled our fingers together. "Did you mean it?" He asked quietly against the back of my head.

I struggled to give him an answer because this wasn't exactly the way I wanted him to find out that I had long fallen for him.

"Penelope." His voice was solemn when I spoke nothing.

He scared me.

"Turn around and look at me." He pleaded roughly against the back of my neck. I felt his lips slide across my skin, awakening the butterflies in my belly.

When I didn't move, I heard him sigh. However, I soon felt his fingers dance along my back.

I stiffened when he began to draw one line down my spine. My breath hitched when I felt his fingers slowly make a heart shape. When I felt his fingers make a curve, to form the letter 'U', I gasped, turning around so I could see his face.

Alexei still had his finger in front of him, as if he wasn't finished drawing on my back.

"Y-you-" I stuttered, shooting an accusing glare at his finger. "You knew!"

Alexei studied my eyes, that were now wet with tears.

He nodded slowly. "I know you love me."

I gasped again, choking on my words. I didn't know what to say. My heart was beating a thunderous tune in my chest. "I-I-" My heart felt like it was going to detach and skip away.

Alexei took one step closer until he was in my space, cornering me against the counter. Without breaking eye contact, he tore me in half. "I have never loved anyone the same way I love you Solnishko."

Tears ran down my cheeks like continuous rivers.

Those golden brown eyes were killing me.

I felt his gaze intently track the tears as I cupped my mouth, stifling the noise rising in my throat.

"I love you Penelope Rivers. I claim you for the rest of my life baby."

It could've been my eyes, but I was almost certain Alexei's own were wet with tears as he erased the few inches between us. "You're the Anastasia to my Lev." He took my hand, holding it so it pressed against his chest where I could feel the rapid pace of his heart.

I cried into his chest as he held me close, stroking my hair gently.

When I could gain my words, I eased slightly back. He bent his head, watching me closely. He pressed his forehead against mine, planting a kiss upon my nose, the corner of my lips and my chin. I closed my eyes, relishing the way his body folded over mine, giving me warmth. His heart still pounded out a rapid beat against my palm where my fingers slightly skewered the material of his shirt.

"If it wasn't clear before, I love you Alexei." I held his gaze. "Like, a lot."

He smiled boyishly, running a hand across his jaw as his eyes sparkled. "Hmm, a lot you say."

"Stop teasing me- "

He abruptly lifted my weight onto the counter where he proceeded to kiss me breathless without warning. I instantly melted into his touch, tugging him closer by the sides of his shirt. He smiled in approval against my lips as he dipped his tongue into my mouth.

My hands gripped the buckles of his belt-

Alexei let me go, whipping his head around where Babushka stood, dabbing beneath her eyes.

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