I'm Worthless

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(Y/n) laid on her bed, staring at the ceiling. She somewhat lost her new job already and has nothing to do. She needed money but she wasn't going to stoop low for it. She sighed as she sat up.

(Y/n) saw all of the hate that her boss was getting and it didn't seem like it was letting up. She felt like she needed to comfort him but why? He was conning her too so why was she feeling this way. She ignored those feelings as she headed out of her apartment.

She went her normal route, the buff middle schoolers passed by. It seemed they added another person to their group. As she walked, her memories hit her.

She had lived in Seasoning City when she was a kid and when she turned fifteen, after her friend passed, she left. (Y/n) didn't think she would come back but she missed it. The after school hangouts, the late night studying, and her weekend hangouts with Jack. She missed all of it, of course, that won't bring Jack back but it felt good to remember. She wondered what would've happened, despite the incident, if she stayed gullible. Would she had spent most of her savings on a false exorcism? Would her old boss use her even more then what he did.

She pushed those thoughts away. She wasn't gullible anymore. She thought that if she changed and got better at reading people, she would have more friends and would be living the life. That thought was wrong.

People were cruel...

She had a degree but every place she applied to, denied her. What was she going to do. She made a promise to Jack, that she wouldn't die, but she was just wondering around at this point. What did she want to do? Was there any sort of dream that she wanted to chase? No, not really.

She felt worthless.

After all, who would want her?

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