They're Just Using You

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It was another day that (Y/n) sat in the bar. She twirled her drink around as she ignored the whispering of the patrons. The bell above the door dinged as a tall, blonde man entered the quaint bar. "Oh, Mr. Arataka!" The bartender spoke once he noticed the man. "Welcome. It's been too long." The male sat down at the bar, a couple seats away from (Y/n). It seemed he didn't notice her.


He would probably use her too.

The patrons got excited at the sight of the man. The two tried to tempt him into sitting with them, but he ignored them. "One lemon sour... Extra on the sour." He sounded defeated. "Should you be drinking?" The man nodded. He glanced to the patrons before spotting (Y/n). "Hm, I haven't seen you before." (Y/n) looked to the man, her dark circles were prominent and overall she didn't look like she was in the mood. "Heh, right..." He went back to minding his business. The bartender slid him his drink as he gratefully grabbed it.

"Hear me out Riegen! The other day, this really pretty girl talked to me. When I followed her, she led me to some art exhibit..." It seemed like this patron was gullible to scam artist. (Y/n) sighed, seemed like they were using the man to vent their misfortunes. Just like they were doing to her earlier. The girl finished off her fifth drink before tuning more into their conversation.

"You were taken to an exhibit where a copy of a famous painting was on display. It's a dating scheme." Seemed like he was used to this. Hell, this man might even be a con himself. The man sighed. "It's... my birthday today." The patrons gasped as the bartender congratulated him. "This is the perfect time to bring this up since it's your birthday!" A woman spoke as she neared him. "I have this amazing pillow I got from this extra special connection."

How is that relevant to his birthday? (Y/n) sighed. She rummaged through a large back she had brought with her. It was her deceased friends birthday as well and she had bought a cake for old times sake. She slid the small cake in front of the man, taking the attention of the patrons. "Happy Birthday." She quietly spoke as she swirled her cup around. The man's eyes had widened as he thanked her before asking the bartender for a fork. That act of kindness stuck with him till the next time he had ran into the girl.

The patrons were gone but (Y/n) had stayed along with Arataka. Se didn't really have a job anymore so she stayed later like usual. "Mr. Arataka, this is your first drink, isn't it? Your face is all red. Are you all right?" "Nope..." (Y/n) looked to him, she knew there was no alcohol in his drink. He must have had a bad day. He downed his drink then slammed it on the bar, surprising the bartender. "Wh-what's wrong?" "Can I have the bill please." (Y/n) set her cup down before giving the bartender some cash. "This should pay for mine and his drink as well." Once again she had surprised the man. And just like that, the girl disappeared.


The woman had awoken with a headache, it didn't help that her alarm was loud. Wait... She doesn't have an alarm. (Y/n) quickly answered her phone, voice raspy with sleep. "Moshi, Moshi." "(Y/n) can you come..."

There it was again.

The voice of many people asking her to do things for their own benefits. Not once did she get anything out of it but she just couldn't say no. That was her problem, she was a pushover and let many walk over her.

But it was fine...

As long as they were happy...

She was happy...

How Do I Love Myself (Reigen Arataka x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora