I Weigh Too Much

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(Y/n) stood on the scale, sighing at the number.


"Maybe I should loose a few..."

She glanced to herself in the mirror. She was anything but big. (Y/n) was one of the lucky few to have quite the nice body shape but she wasn't lucky when it came to her thoughts. No matter how small she was, she wasn't good enough. She would never be good enough.

If she got rid of her dark circles and smiled once in a while, One would compare her to a goddess. The girl didn't think that way though. She wasn't pretty.

Her stomach growled but she ignored it. If she eats, she'll get bigger. No one likes body fat. She is not attractive enough. Might as well starve...

(Y/n) began her usual trek through town, occasionally stopping once in a while to admire the town. She moved to the side as a group of buffed middle schoolers passed her. In her opinion, they looked like grown men and were twice her size. (Y/n) wasn't short either. A little while after, a small, frail middle schooler passed her. He seemed exhausted but determined.

It was like something awoken in the girl but she ignored it, she wouldn't be good enough anyway so why bother doing anything.

Once again she passed the scam office. She wanted to see what it was about but decided against it. She didn't want anymore unwanted attention then what she already has. But of course, fate wasn't to kind to her. The lack of food and sleep hit her like a truck as she fell to the floor.

Her mind was blank.

How Do I Love Myself (Reigen Arataka x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now