Bullies?! Even in Hogwarts?

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I woke up to the bright sunlight hitting my face and felt a presence standing over me. I turned over and saw Badger. "How'd you get in here, Badge?" I asked. She smiled at me, put a finger to her mouth, and skipped out of the room. I rolled my eyes at her antics and got up. I changed into my robes and went down to the common room where I saw Badger talking to another first year with Luna.

Luna looked up from the boy and smiled at me. She waved me over and I happily obliged. "Hello Dean. This is Shelbey Moore. He's in a lot of your classes and you share a dorm room." Shelbey turns around.

"H-hi. I'm D-Dean Winchester." I give him a small smile and hold out my hand to him. He stares at it and gives me a dirty look.

"I don't touch the gays." He says in a posh voice. I put my arm back at my side, deflated and a bit hurt. Badger smacks him across the face.

"I take offense to that. My older brother is gay and it's cute." She says. Luna nods and leaves. Badger turns to me and we follow Luna out of the common room and into the hallway. Luna says she has to go find Harry and points Badger and I in the direction of the Great Hall. We nod and say goodbye to her, then head to the Great Hall.

On our way there, someone grabs my arm and pulls me into them. I see Badger smile and I give her a look that said help me. "Hey Dean-o!" Gabriel says. I realize it was him that grabbed me from his voice.

"Hi Gabe." I say when he lets go of me. I turn around to see him and Cas. "Where's Draco?" They looked at each other and shrugged.

"Who knows. Probably with Harry." Gabe said. I nodded, then realized Sam wasn't with them either.

"Where's Sammy?"

"In the Great Hall. We're headed there now. Cas wanted to wait to say goodbye to his girlfriend." Cas rolls his eyes and I felt a small stab at my heart. Why did that hurt?

"She's not my girlfriend. I don't even like her like that." Cas said, crossing his arms. Gabe shrugged his shoulders.

"Coulda fooled me." Gabe said sassily. Cas rolled his eyes again and walked off. "I'll see you guys in the Great Hall. I've gotta go make sure he doesn't like, blow a fuse, or something." Gabe gave me one last hug and ran after his brother.

"You okay, De?" Badger asked. I gave her a confused look.

"Why wouldn't I be?" I asked. She shrugged her shoulders and walked to the Great Hall with me following close behind.

As soon as we get there, I see Harry and Sam sitting with Gabe, Draco and Cas at the Gryffindor table. I wave at them and then turn to Badger, who's waving Daz over. He gets up from where he's sitting at the Hufflepuff table and walks over to us. "Daz! Go get Ave, Brax and Jace! I wanna introduce them to Dean!" Daz nods an walks off to find the three people she said. "You'll love Avery, Braxton and Jace! Avery and Braxton are about four years older than us and Jace is three years older." She explained. I nodded, a little hesitant on meeting more new people.

Daz was coming back over with the three people when someone came up behind me and pushed me. I stumbled forward into Badger and she fell down. I wasn't able to stop myself from falling, so when she went down, I went with her. I heard a few gasps and some yelling. I whimpered and scrambled to get up and ran out of the Hall.


Hey guys! Sorry this is so short, I wanted to put the rest in here, but thought it would be better if it went into the next chapter. Y'all will actually get to meet Jace, Avery and Braxton in a chapter or two, but I'm not really sure yet. I also have no idea how born werewolves work in the wizarding world, so I'm making it to where they are kind of like nekos, only they can't really control it. So anytime Dean is scared or hurt (not when he's nervous or overly happy or really anything like that. He's also dealt with John long enough to where he's learned how to not wolf out anytime he's mentioned) or, obviously, when the moon is full. Anyway, bye! See y'all in the next chapter or any of my stories y'all read.

Hunters at Hogwarts {REWRITE} (HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now