Minutes later, as Ohan explained to her the strategy for the ride, Dove caught out of the corner of her eye her district partner. He was being closely followed by his stylist.

The boy was barely wearing anything. He was shirtless, with only a shell necklace that didn't cover much. He definitely wasn't a fish. The stylist hadn't done a good job at keeping the main idea Ohan had told her they were going with. The boy looked like the beach itself.

Everyone got to their places as the opening music began. Dove walked to her chariot, looking for her brother to give her a hand and lift her, but he was no longer there.

"Do you need a hand?" Finnick appeared out of nowhere.

"Yes, please." She replied, placing his hands on her waist, and hers on his shoulder, Finnick lifted her to the chariot. "You look beautiful". He hadn't said anything, not even a tiny whisper. He mouthed the words, for only her to read.

Dove smiled and mouthed a quick thanks before straightening her position on the chariot. It would be embarrassing if she happened to fall off. Once they were outside, in front of all the cameras and Capitol people, she smiled and waved calmly.

Ohan had told her to look calm and not over do it. He had bought the whole illness situation, and didn't want her to get stressed. Furthermore, if she seemed too excited, it would be out of character for a young sickly child.

As Dove glanced from the cameras to the people, she saw how much they loved her outfit. To be fair, Ohan had exceeded all her expectations. There was nothing better than being simple, compared to other tributes, to get everyone's attention.

After the long twenty minutes the ride took, they were finally at the City Circle. The president made his appearance, as always, from his balcony, to give the official welcome. The cameras always took the opportunity to have clear shoots of the tributes faces during the speech.

Dove noticed how she had got more than it would be normal airing time for a career tribute to have. Everyone loved the mermaid idea. As it got darker, it only made her stand out even more, her red hair glowed with the decorated lotus flowers, making colour flow everywhere. She was like a torch in the dark. No one could take their eyes off her, even if they tried.

Finally, the national anthem played, letting them enter the Training Centre. Where they would spend the next week before the Games. Once Four's chariot entered the centre, both tributes were approached by their prep teams. Neari praised her hair while Mareshah and Quedell praised her perform.

Then Ohan walked to her, helping her down the chariot and praised her as well. Once she was on the ground, Delia appeared out of nowhere, telling both tributes to follow her to their own floor.

It was easy to remember, the fourth floor was for district Four, and so on for other districts. They reached there riding a glass lift, which impressed Dove seeing how many people could fit there.

As Dove entered into her new chamber a thought crossed her mind. Why is it that the closer you are to your death the fancier the rooms get?

Looking at herself in the mirror, she stared at her outfit. Couldn't she wear it forever? Dove loved everything about it. From the simple dress, although a loose skirt wouldn't be bad either, or the cape. Even the tiara was beautiful.

She placed the tiara on the bed with the lotus flowers, planing to wear them later for supper. It would be best to act like the child she was from time to time. After taking a quick shower she stood in front of the dresser, trying to decide what to wear.

She decided to have a break from dresses and skirt for the night, and got a pair of black trousers and a sea-green blouse. She put on her tiara and the flowers the best she could, and exited her room just as Delia was about to call for her.

The dinning room had a glass wall, letting them look outside to the streets. Almost everyone was there. Once Ohan caught her wearing the tiara he chuckled, shaking her head in disbelief.

"What? I wanted to wear it a bit longer. I feel like a true goddess with this," she replied with a laugh. Her mother looked at her confused.

"Goddess?" She asked her. "Yes, Ohan told me. It seems there are other type of religions a part of yours, mum. Some have more than one God. In the Parade I was dressed as Salacia, the goddess of the sea, and the mermaid from the story you used to read to me." Dove replied, the grin never leaving her face.

Her mother appeared surprised at her statement, and looked the stylist with a small smile. "I always thought there was only one religion. I guess you'll have to give us some religion classes now, Ohan." she said. "It would be my pleasure," he replied.

A woman, who she guessed was an Avox, approached her with a wine glass. But before Dove could say anything, the glass got taken from the woman. "I'll be taking that," Finnick said, while sitting next to Dove. "You're too young to drink this," he added.

"You too. Give it here," Her mother said, extending her hand. Finnick pouted but still gave in, which made Dove snort as she tried to contain her laugh.

"Dove! Those aren't the manners of a lady!" Delia yelled at her, scaring both Finnick and Dove at the sudden raise of her voice. "May I remind you all why we're here? What about their strategies?"

"Delia, relax. Dove already knows what she has to do, and the other one seems to not even care about them. He'll go with his career idea until he's dead." Her mother replied. It was true what she said, since her partner didn't seem to care about appearing to the supper.

"I just came for the food." Dove spoke up, grinning at the exasperation look from Delia. "What? Food is the best thing in the world," she added.

"Better than the sea?" Finnick asked, smiling. "Don't make me choose," Dove replied with a chuckle. Melo glanced at his friend, the same way he had done the day before. He was sure now. Something was up between the two. He would ask Finnick about it later.


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