𝟴: static electricity

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Jeno just wakes up and, right away, he can feel that something is weird about him.

He's happy and excited for some reason. More energetic too. He turns it into a joke and asks Renjun what did those cookies have that he's very motivated today?

Renjun awkwardly laughs and says that there was a secret ingredient in there. Jeno thinks of it as a joke and guesses that there were at least a few specks of cocaine.

Anyway, he uses his energy to go to school and socialize with people. After that, he goes to the gym since his energy is still overflowing. He spends a whole hour exercising and only when he's all sweaty does he think that it's time to leave.

He meets Renjun and Jaemin at the park where the blue-haired boy is taking nature photos. Renjun is the first one to greet Jeno, but then the half-demon suddenly focuses his eyes on Jaemin and forgets that his friend is here too.

He talks to the asexual boy, looks at how he's taking photos, and even checks them together. Jaemin still wants to take at least one photo of Jeno, but the latter has to refuse again.

"I'm not photogenic at all," he repeats.

"Then don't pose. Just be yourself and photos will look godly!"

"I doubt..."

"Okay, I won't force you," Jaemin pulls the camera away from his face and turns around. "Renjun, you come– Where is he?"


Jeno looks at the place where he has seen Renjun last time and furrows his eyebrows.

"He's probably in the bathroom," he takes a guess.

"Maybe... Okay, then I'll take the photo of the flowers first."

The male kneels in front of the vase with flowers and takes a few photos. He shows them to Jeno and smiles when hearing the compliments.

Then Renjun appears all of sudden. He scares the boys and even laughs at them.

"Where have you been?" Jeno asks to cover his embarrassment.

"I thought about grabbing something to eat," Renjun explains and hands them two waffles.

Jeno and Jaemin take them but stop to look at Renjun.

"Where is yours?"

"Oh, I have already eaten it. Sorry."

"We should have done it together," Jaemin whines which make Jeno bite his lips.

Adorable. W-Wait, what?

The two eat it together and look at the photos again. They show them to Renjun as he missed a lot but whenever Jeno looks up to see his friend's reaction, the latter shifts his eyes on the camera. As if he was looking somewhere else before.

Jeno doesn't know how but one day he ends up in Jaemin's room.

The human has a room on his own and everything is neatly organized. His room is also smelling great. Jeno tries to look for scented candles or oil diffusers but doesn't find a thing.

"Your room is very comfy," Jeno comments.

"Yours and Renjun's too. You two have very warm energy. I feel less troubled when I talk to you."

Jaemin then motions Jeno to follow him and only then does this guy remembers why he's even here. Just because he was interested in Jaemin's photos, Renjun told him to visit the photographer himself. As Jaemin was right next to Jeno when that happened, he said that it was a good idea. That's how it happened.

"You really have a talent for taking photos," Jeno whistles as he sees a bunch of professionally taken sceneries and life stories. Jaemin has a wall full of his works.

"It only looks like that," Jaemin laughs. "Actual photographers do better."

"You're the only photographer I know, so..."

"Stop, you're making me shy."

Jaemin slaps Jeno's shoulder but instead of a normal slap and reaction of the person who gets hit, the two draw back and furrow their eyebrows.

"Did you feel that too?" Jaemin asks as he stares at Jeno's shoulder.

"Yeah. Our clothes got electrified, I guess."

They were standing too close to each other. Maybe they even brushed their shoulders.

"Static electricity," Jaemin notes with a smile.

Jeno gets intrigued.

"Oh, you know about physics."

"Not much but I do know some things. And you? You must know a looot about physics."

"I do. Architects need a basic understanding of the laws of physics. But I do love this subject in general."

"Good for you. It's different for me when it comes to biology. I have to study plants but I prefer everything about humans."

"You want to be a surgeon, right?"

"That's my dream. I don't know if it will happen. Sometimes I want to give up."

"Have more confidence," Jeno smiles. "You're a very determined person. You have to achieve it."

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