𝟰: survey program

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Jeno knows he needs to find out what's wrong with Jaemin because it's driving him insane. He feels powerless just because one weak human can resist his power of lust! And no, there are no angels around Jaemin. If there were, Jeno would have seen them all.

Anyway, he tries to think about how to get in contact with Jaemin. He attempts to reach the blue-haired boy through Renjun. He tells that he needs Jaemin to fill up a questionnaire as stupid as it sounds. The med student agrees, however, which makes Jeno smile in victory.

Gotcha little human.

They meet up in the park where Jeno finds Jaemin sitting on the bench and drinking coffee.

"You seem to love coffee," Jeno comments as he sits next to Jaemin.

"Coffee is my life. I feel like a zombie without caffeine."

Jeno pauses a bit to think if caffeine can be the reason for Jaemin's lack of lust. But then he brushes it off as many people drink coffee and Jeno succeeds to mess with them anyway.

"The questionnaire is short, I won't hold you up," Jeno informs as he pulls out his phone with prepared questions.

"That's great because I have to be somewhere in thirty minutes."

"Excellent," Jeno nods and looks at the first question. "When was the last time you had sex?"

Their eyes meet and they stare at each other for a second or two, then Jaemin scoffs.

"Don't you think that's a bit personal? What is this questionnaire about, anyway?"

"It's about STI," Jeno says the first thing on his head.

"But you're an architecture student, right?" Jaemin frowns. "Why are you doing such a questionnaire that medical students do?"

"It's my free time activity. I applied to a survey program."

That's a stupid thing to say but Jeno wants to save his butt before it gets crusty. And he doesn't seem to succeed as Jaemin remains suspicious.

"Is this survey form anonymous? You can't expose people with STIs."

"It is. Let's continue–"

"Let me see the questions."

Jaemin leans in but Jeno moves back.

"No. It's highly confidential."

"Why do I feel like you're trying to fool me into something?" Jaemin narrows his eyes and sips his coffee.

Jeno freaks out for a second. Not only is this guy immune, but he's also smart.

"Whatever. It's not like you're getting much information for me. I'm not a very eligible person for this," Jaemin speaks again. "Can you repeat the question, though?"

"When was the last time–"

"When I was in high school," Jaemin cuts in, rolling his eyes. "Not a very good experience."

Jeno's eyes almost pop out.

"High school? You didn't do that again?"

Jaemin shakes his head. Jeno wants to ask why but avoids sounding like a creep. However, now he knew that something was keeping away his victim from lust.

"Next question?" Jaemin tilts his head, rushing the process. Especially when he catches Jeno slacking off.


Jeno skips some questions because let's be honest, a question "Do you prefer girls or boys?" sounds out of context. Even when Jeno feels like it didn't work before because Jaemin had no interest in the girl.

"Have you ever got STIs or do you know someone with STIs?" Jeno says whatever just to get a little time to think of a better question.

"I've never got them and I don't know anyone who has STIs either. Wait... Maybe my one classmate did. But she left the course and I didn't know her at all."

Jeno nods although he just smashes his keyboard writing qwertyuiop and nothing else.

"What is lust for you?"

The blue-haired boy sighs and shrugs.

"Lust is heightened libido? It's a psychological thing, psychoanalysis and psychological domain? I don't know. I'm not interested in that. The thing that comes to my head when I hear this word is Lower Uterine Segment Transverse which is shortened as LUST and mostly known as cesarean section."

Jeno nods, pretending to understand what the medical student just said. He has to control his facial expressions if he doesn't want Jaemin to know that he's very very confused.

"If I understand correctly," he tries to approach the question politely, "you don't know what is lust. Can I conclude that you never experienced that?"

"That's right."

"Well, that's..."

Jeno doesn't know what is going on. How can a person don't know what is lust? Like, Jaemin was so green about the meaning of this word that he just said the most abstract things, connecting lust with psychology and then even mentioned a medical procedure. That's the first thing that comes into his head! He doesn't know a thing about actual lust.

"Jeno," Jaemin calls for the male to get his attention. "I told you that I'm not good for your examination. Whatever you have prepared either will be negative or I won't have an answer to your questions."

"But why?"

"I'm ace."

Jeno smiles in confusion, "Okay. What are you acing?"

"I'm asexual, Jeno," Jaemin sighs. "I have no sexual attraction which means that I don't have any sexual desires either or so-called lust."

Jeno nods in understandment but he's actually shocked.

Because... that's new.

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