When eveything goes wrong

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Ok I'm really sorry but I'm changing something again. So a couple chapters ago I said that the avengers don't know who Spider-Man is and have never met Peter, well forget I ever said that. At the time I was still figuring out how I wanted this book to go and well now I know. So THE AVENGERS KNOW PETER AS SPDIER-MAN, and they are like a family.

I left the store and ran into a random alley, changed it my suit and swung off through the New York City skyline. Quickly dropping off my present for MJ, and left for MJ's house. I landed on her fire escape and looked at her through the window. She wasn't on her bed reading like she normally would be doing. She was standing in the middle of the room getting changed......
Just kidding. :)

Peter POV
I froze. Mj wasn't were she normally was, reading a book on her bed with her lamp on. Her desk was a mess, her books were flipped over and most importantly she was on the ground passed out.

I opened the window and shot into her room. "Mj Mj, MJ!" I shook her shoulders, "No no no no no no, Karen call Mr. Stark and tell him it's a code red." I picked MJ up and put her on her bed. I checked for any broken bones, bruises or cuts, but all I saw was a tiny little red dot on her neck. Someone injected her with something. I started to panic, Mr. Stark finally picked up.

"Mr. Stark, Mr. Stark, Mj has been hurt, she is on the ground passed out, and somebody injected her with something and- and I think I'm having a panick attack. I can't- I can't breathe, and I think I'm gonna pass out"

No no no I can't pass out I need to be hear for MJ. I pushed down my fear and took a deep breath.
"Kid I need you to take a deep breath, or else your gonna pass out-"

"No it's okay, I'm okay now." I breathed

"You sure?" He questioned. "Ya I'm good."

"Ok kid I'm on my way, hang on."

Ok it's ok, Mr. Stark is coming, MJ will be alright, MJ will be okay. Not to far off I heard the sound of Ironmans thrusters heading my way.

He flew through the window and landed beside MJ's bed, "Friday check for any damage." "No damage, but her temperature is increasing around her neck and is spreading throughout her body." He picked her up, "We have to get to the tower and bring her to Bruce."

——Timmy the cow is back moooo🐄——


We got to the med bay and put MJ on the hospital bed while Bruce hooked her up to a machine. He checked her stats and put an IV in her arm. Her temperature had gone back to a regular degree, but she was very pale looking.

"The injection could cause anything to happen her. She could wake up not knowing who you are or she could even have powers." "Until she wakes up we won't know what she'll be like." Tony finished off. I sat beside the bed with my hand interlinked with MJ's, willing her to wake up. I guess it worked because her eyes slowly fluttered open and my heart stopped.

"Hello? Where am I? What's going on? Who are you?" Someone asked for Wanda and there was people running around in the room, but all I could think, hear, or see was Mj, staring at me clueless of who I was. That's when I couldn't take anymore. My long overdue sensory overload finally burst through the barricade I'd built the minute I found MJ on the floor in her room. It all came crashing down.

I got up, tears streaming down my face and left the room. I turned down a hall and slid down the wall. I let my tears stream down my face and my guilt pull me under as I fell down that all to familiar dark whole in my heart. I haven't felt like this since uncle Ben died.

I sensed Wanda waking towards me, her worry clean on her face. "Peter! What happened, Tony told me MJ's memories are," she paused, "gone?" I looked up at here, tears still streaming down my face. "Oh Peter, I'm so sorry."

Wanda POV
I could feel peters grief before he even got to the tower, it  spread throughout the halls and rooms of the tower. People who didn't even know what was going on where being affected by it, as if there was a weight pulling them down to the ground.

Peter asked me to go to Mj's and see if there was anything I could find in her head. Anything from the past she might still have somewhere in her memories. I found her room and stood outside her door. Bruce had put her back to sleep making this a bit easier on me. I wouldn't have to explain why my eyes were glowing red as I sifted through her forgotten memories.

I opened the door and looked at the girl. I had never met her, I was supposed to meet her tomorrow at Tony's birthday party, not like this. Not by going through her mind without her consent, without her even knowing. I sighed, I need to do this, for Peter.

I started with the basics, checking if she new her name, her parents, her age. Then I looked for any memories of Peter. Strange, all her memories are there. I decided to look for her most recent memory, how did she end up like this? What I saw was far from what I expected.

How's that for a chapter? Things will get better for Pete and MJ, but not until there's been some drama.

What do you think happened to MJ?

I need all of your opinions on something but if I ask, it will spoil the next chapter for you guys, so I will just have to figure this out by my self☹️

All I will say is MJ will never be the same after she wakes up.....

I hope I portrayed Wanda ok, to be honest I had some trouble with this but I hope it's okay🤞
Tell me if there is anything I should do to make the story better!!!

Ps: I FINALLY WATCHED NWH!!!! and ohmigosh it was SO GOOD!!!! If u haven't seen it watch it. Now.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2022 ⏰

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