Welcome Home Squeaks

Beginne am Anfang

"Did I do something wrong?" Hermione asked in a breathy tone.

"Never," Bella reassured her with a slow, gentle kiss. She moved her face so it was resting on Hermione's cheek, her lips on her ear, "make no mistake. I want you, Hermione. I want you so bad right now." She kissed the shell of her ear feeling the younger woman tremble. "I'm actually a little scared how much I want you," she whispered.

Hermione pulled back and looked at her, "I want you, too." Then she bit her lip, "but I respect waiting. I care about you too much to make you uncomfortable."

"I'm not," Bella ran her hand up Hermione's cheek, holding her face, her fingers getting lost in brunette waves. "I just need to wait." Bella rested her forehead against her own and sighed, "I need to talk to you about a few things." She cleared her throat and closed her eyes, taking a few deep breaths. "I need to talk to you about me," she began to speak when Hermione's phone rang from the bedside table. "That's you, love."

"No," Hemrione shook her head, "continue, they can wait," but her phone kept ringing. "Shoot," she finally turned from the embrace and felt Bella chuckle. "It's papa. I should call him back." She looked almost sorry that their moment was broken.

"Call him," she kissed her forehead and shifted in bed, looking over not seeing her phone. "I'll be back," she started to move and Hermione reached out to her.

"Thank you for the perfect first date," she smiled, "I wish to have many, many more."

Bella's smile could light up the darkest room, "as you wish," she winked before sliding from the bed, exiting the room.

Hermione dialed her grandfather's number and when she heard him answer cheerfully, she felt guilty for being annoyed, "Papa, you called?"

"Merry Christmas sunshine! I'm at the Rose and you aren't here so I can only assume your date went well."

Hermione could hear the smile in his voice, "yes. It did. She was the perfect date. Very respectful and we had a lovely evening."

"She didn't pressure you into anything you didn't want to do, did she?"

"Papa, no she didn't and I'm not having that conversation with you," she relaxed when she heard him laughing. "Though she did convince me to adopt a kitten which I'm supposed to pick up tomorrow so that's new."

"Are you coming home soon?"

"I believe so, why what time is it?"

"It's almost noon sunshine. I was going to start cooking our Christmas Day breakfast but I didn't want to intrude upstairs unless I had permission."

"You always have permission if there's a promise of breakfast and I didn't realize it was so late. I'll be home soon."

"No rush," Henry assured her, "and don't forget to tell Bella she's welcome to join us for breakfast"

"I think she's going to spend the day with her sisters but I'll ask anyway," she smiled as she said goodbye hanging up as Bella walked back in hanging up from her own phone conversation.

"Do you have to go?" Bella asked, noticing Hermione had fully gotten out of bed.

"Yes," she looked almost sad at the thought, "my grandfather and I always have Christmas breakfast together and it appears it's almost noon," a sheepish smile adorned her face.

"Well, let's not keep him waiting for you," Bella smiled, going to the bathroom and collecting Hermione's clothes from last night. "I'll just get ready in the other room," she walked into her closet and grabbed some clothes.

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