Feeling better-16

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~knuckles pov~
Gradually, I got better through the weekend. I went to the doctors office the day everything happened and they said it was food poisoning. Monday was pretty bland I guess. I forgot how easy school was for me. I'm a little above average for school, but I like getting good grades so I don't want to move up. I haven't been called over the intercom yet. Zigzag got a black Ford truck from his dad. I really like it, and he picks us all up from school in the morning to drive us. Him and armpit are the only ones with their license. Zeros a bit young for a freshman, but he got to skip eighth grade because of how smart he was. So he's in our grade now. We're all freshman because of our loss of learning through our camp. But it's fine, because freshman are cool I guess. But the senior dudes keep hitting on me. I wish they would just graduate. Today was Tuesday, and I rode to school with zigzag. All of d-tent had lockers right beside each other. I walked to class with magnet and squid because zigzag went to get in the breakfast line. I went to first period science and sat in my seat. Some guy came up to me and started leaning in on my desk and all. I told him to get off, but he wouldn't. I spit my gum in his face. The gum got stuck in his permed hair. I glared at him, as if sending a mental message. The look that I gave him was the "you better not tell anyone or I'm gonna shove my gum up you're butt hole next time" look. He turned away and ran into his desk. He desperately tried to get the gum unstuck. Just then, zig came in and saw what happened. He laughed at the guy, then looked at me curiously. I gave him a proud nod, letting him know that I did it. As the teacher walked in I grabbed another piece of gum and popped it in my mouth. The teacher saw the kid crying about the gum in his hair.
"Daniel what happened?" Ms Morgan asked. Daniel, I'm guessing was the kids name, looked at me. I gave him that look again and he looked back at the teacher.
"I was just playing around, and I slipped and the gum got stuck the gum in my hair." He lied.
Good job daniel. Ms Morgan sighed tiredly as she wrote a nurse slip and gave it to him. He took it and walked out of the class. I high fived magnet as he walked out. He knew what happened. I knew what happened. Everyone knew what happened. Ms Morgan started class and taught us about ocean currents. It's pretty boring, so I passed notes to my friends the whole time. Daniel came back to class a few minutes later with a little chunk of his Permed hair, straight from where the gum was. I was proud of my creation. The bell rang and we all went to next period. In math we did area. Area isn't bad, but it's not my favorite. Math felt like it was never going to end today. My next class was history, taught by Coach Green. Coach Green was cool. He coached the football team, and that's why he went by coach and not mr. Coach Green had to be one of my favorite teachers. He was chill, and he likes my clothing style. He's pretty young, maybe in his 20's, and he wears contacts. He taught us about Ancient Greece and stuff. Honestly I don't remember anything from his class. Nobody really listens. Lunch rolled around soon enough and I sat with d-tent, Dana, tucker, and Alice. I met another guy named Dakota today. He hung out with tucker. Dakota was super tall, and super good at baseball. He had fluffy red hair and freckles down his arms and around his face. He was one of the boys that girls chased at recess when we were younger. It turned out, I make better friends with guys more than I do girls. Today for lunch we had chicken nuggets, and they were delicious. I hadn't had chicken nuggets in a while. I had water and an apple with my nuggets. Me and zig left lunch early to have a small make out session in the janitors closet. Nothing to crazy though. Zig liked physical touch to a certain degree. He never touches anywhere he knows I'm not comfortable with, because of my uncle. I'm thankful for zig. We then went to seventh and eighth period, and that's English and band. You have a choice of either band or gym. I was already doing basketball so I didn't want to do gym. After school, zig took me out to a cute diner around town. I think it was called Sammy's. The boys and I ate there for dinner. And after we went bowling. I won every game we played.
It turned out to be a really great day, even though it was a Tuesday. That night we all went to the movies, and armpit almost got in a fight with two boys for stealing his popcorn. He got it back before he could do anything. We watched Friday the 13, and it was pretty good. I don't get scared very easily, but magnet and zigzag ended up holding onto me for dear life at the end. I went home and spent some time with Grey. He had a nightmare that night so he ended up sleeping with me. My mom was always there for him of course, but he always felt better with me. We never knew why. Maybe the ages, I'm not sure. But what I am sure about, is that he's growing up too fast. I knew he'd be a teenager in a blink, so I tried to spend as much time as possible. The next day, on Wednesday, Grey wanted some us time. So after school when I got home I asked him what he wanted to do.
"So whatcha wanna do today?" I asked him
"Can Ricky come with us to the mall?" He asked excitedly. I chuckled
At this point I don't think Grey could tell the difference from zigzag and a brother. He always wanted to hang out with him, and of course I allowed it. They bond over Lego's and stuff.
"Of course he can." I said, as I called zigzag
                            On the phone⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️

                                         |hey Grey wants to go to the
                                           Mall today. He wants you to
                                           Come with us. He insists!

|yeah ofc! Anything
For you! I'll be over
In five. ily!!
                                         |see ya then. I love you 🤍

And in exactly five minutes flat, zigzag was there. He wore a brown t shirt with the words "go places" across it in white. He had on black sweatpants and black and white blazers. I wore black high waisted leggings with a brown and white plaid flannel, and a plain white shirt under it. For shoes, I put on my favorite pair of white high top converse. Grey wore a white Nike hoodie and some black basketball shorts. He also wore some plain black Nike tennis shoes. We all left and went to the nearest mall. Grey held onto both of our hands as we walked around. It was a pretty big mall, and he could get lost easily. We ran into Dana there. Grey bought a new pair of shoes, and I bought a couple of sweatshirts. We ate at chick fil a and we ate at a park. Grey made a new friend there as me and zig had some time to talk. Next thing I know, Grey has a already planned a sleepover.
"Pleaseeeeeee!!!" Him and his new friend pleaded.
"Maybe next time buddy. Zigs gotta get back home and I have a test tomorrow." I apologized, as I patted Greys head.
"Ok." Grey said sadly as he and his friend waved goodbye.
"His name is Jeremy." Zig told me.
"That kid. He used to be my neighbor. His name is Jeremy." He explained.
And with that, we rode home and jammed out to nirvana. When we got home, Grey ran inside to tell mom about his new friend. I kissed zig goodnight and went inside. He didn't leave until I was inside. That's what he always did. He always waited until I was inside before he left. Today was overall a really good day. Hopefully tomorrow is good too.

Sooooo how'd ya like it? I'm thinking about ending it soon, but idk. Y'all tell me!!!
Stay salty
Stay happy
Dig holes<33

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