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Hello!! Firstly, thank you so much for clicking on this book!!!😄 This is my first Fanfic book and I really enjoyed writing it.
After watching the series in which Mew Gulf played in, I came to realise that their chemistry in nowhere near end. I wrote this book after a lot of thinking as i really cherish both of them personally. I hope I will be able to stand on your expectations on me for this book.
Well, to be really honest, everything I wrote just came naturally to me.
I find that writing is a way I can express all my feeling and in here no one would Judge me. So, here I am. Writing this beautiful story, titled "NO ONE BUT YOU!"
This is all my imagination and I don't mean to hurt any of the feelings of the characters and people reading it. Please feel free to tell me of my mistakes, I will be more than glad to know your opinion.

The following story is entirely fictional. The writer does not intend to hurt the image of the characters in it. All characters and events, even based on real people are entirely fictional. Please do not read if you do not wish to.

Lol! I felt like I was about to make a film😂
Without further ado! Let's get straight into the interesting story that lies ahead of us!
See you on the way!😁

NO ONE BUT YOU!Where stories live. Discover now