Chapter 71: The Meaning of Champion

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With her heart beginning to thunder from the news of Link's sudden absence, Zelda took a few deep breaths to calm herself. Clenching her shirt between her fingers, she grounded herself and her emotions; she couldn't allow her feelings to cloud her judgment. With a final deep breath to assure herself that she was calm, she looked Kodah straight in the eye.

"Has anyone asked King Dorephan or the elders if he's been seen?" she asked with a steady voice. Kodah, now looking a bit confused, shook her head.

"My husband and I have only asked around the square, he hasn't been gone long so we never got to ask that many people," she answered. "Prin- Zelda, do you still believe that Link is close by? He's known to just disappear without warning; here one day and gone the next..."

"He wouldn't leave without at least saying anything," Zelda said. "A few months ago he would have, but not anymore. Ever since our argument in Rito Village, if he had a plan to do something, even if he intended on going alone, he would at least come to tell me. He wouldn't just vanish on me anymore. I have faith in him that he wouldn't."

"Well, if you believe he is still here then maybe asking the king would be for the best," Kodah responded. "Would you like me to go with you to the throne room?"

"No, though I appreciate your concern," Zelda answered as she began to walk towards the inn's exit. "Kayden is still out searching for Link, yes?" You should call him back. I can take it from here."

"As you wish," Kodah said before giving her a slight cheeky grin. "Linny really has someone special looking out for him. You're pretty cool, you know."

"Thank you, but I'm really not," Zelda called back as she hurried away, though a weak smile had formed in her features.

I'm just a girl who has made many mistakes. I just hope not to make them again.

She began racing through the domain, weaving through the thoroughfare before stepping up the stairs towards the throne room. The moment Zelda entered the room, however, she immediately noticed Dorephan's attention to be elsewhere. Sitting in his throne, the king of the Zora was slightly hunched over, listening carefully to what she could only guess was a personal inaudible speech by the old councilman, Muzu. She hesitated, stopping her advancement at the door at the sight of the old stingray.

She hadn't spoken to Muzu since their first interaction over a month ago during the meeting with the Zora Council she had when she had first arrived in Zora's Domain. Even now, after Mipha's spiritual departure a few days ago, he seemed to carefully avoid her. Anytime she would get lucky enough to even catch a glance at him, he would immediately turn the other way. Of everyone in the domain, she felt he was the one that wanted to see her the least.

Despite this, Zelda strengthened her resolve and took a step forward. She had to find Link no matter what she had to face. Link only left when he felt out of place or was in grief, and after days of watching him lay silently in a bed, it was clearly the latter. She had to find him.

"E-excuse me," Zelda called out. Both Muzu and Dorephan turned their heads towards her. "I'm sorry to interrupt but I have something important that I need to ask."

Already prepared to receive an onslaught of harsh words from Muzu for impeding on whatever it was he was explaining to the king, Zelda winced in advance, however, no words came from the old councilman. In fact, the moment she opened her eyes to look at him, he seemed undisturbed, even interested in what she had to say. Dorephan, who clearly had no issue at all with her barging in, straightened himself in his throne before smiling at her.

"Dear Zelda, it is no problem at all," Dorephan said cheerfully. "What urgent question is on your mind?"

"It's about, Link," she said with a bit more confidence, seeing as Muzu was in no rush to reprimand her. "He's gone missing. I was hoping maybe he told you something, or if you know a place he might be."

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