Chapter 5: The Plan

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We're laying down once again and we start talking again and Allison asks me "Hey Sti?" I look at her and say "yeah Alli?" 

She waits before responding "umm should we tell Scott?" I sit up now, and I put my hands on her shoulders to face me properly and I ask her "Allison where is this coming from?" 

She looks at me and explains "it's just. . . Wouldn't it be easier on not just Scott but on us if we told him before he finds out. 

Besides I love YOU, not Scott. I've been thinking about breaking it off with Scott ever since you and I first got together.

More and more Stiles I'm wanting to go up to him and tell him it's over. So, I brought it up so we could talk about what to do. So, what are we going to do?" 

I look at her sympathetically and smile at her as I tell her "Well I think we should plan ahead before we tell Scott. So, let's make a plan now, so that way we're both prepared to tell him." 

I smile and I kiss her getting up going over to my desk grabbing utensils and supplies to make a full proof plan that I'm calling plan break up Scott. I sit back down on my bed with my legs off the side and my feet touching the floor as I put my pen balancing it on my right ear and grabbing my highlighter putting it on my left ear and grabbing a pencil and putting it in my mouth and a second pen in my right hand getting ready to write as I realized I won't be able to talk with a pencil in my mouth.

 I sit back down on my bed with my legs off the side and my feet touching the floor as I put my pen balancing it on my right ear and grabbing my highlighter putting it on my left ear and grabbing a pencil and putting it in my mouth and a second pe...

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So, I drop it out my mouth and I look up at Allison saying "so uhhmm . . Any ideas?" Laughs and answers "uhh umm how about we tell him at school." 

I write location: school. Time: lunch. Day: in 2 weeks or less. I look at Allison relaying the notes and I say, "alright now we just need to determine what we're going to say or you or however we'll go about telling Scott." 

We sit there for a good 5 minutes before Allison gets an idea "oh what if you and I wait right outside the cafeteria doors and when Scott comes up, we take him to an empty classroom, and I tell him I'm breaking up and if and when he asks why you walk up to me and hold my hand and hold my waist. 

You then kiss the side of my face, and you say, "because Allison and I are dating." And if Scott tries anything I'll pull you behind me and bring out my concealed weapon that we'll place before hand." 

I write plan: take Scott to empty room, tell him, beforehand tape a small weapon to the top of a desk. For emergency if Scott tries anything. Small being able to hide easy and big enough to scare or prevent Scott from coming at us. 

After finishing I ask, "alright is there a weapon you have in mind that's small enough to hide easily, but big enough to prevent Scott from coming at us?" She thinks and she says, "yeah I have one in mind." 

We go over the plan and discuss the details of how we're going to put the weapon in place and decide to go to school early tomorrow to scope out a room that will be an ideal place to put the weapon. My alarm goes off startling us making us jump and we smile and start laughing. 

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