Chapter 3: This Is Going To Be Harder Than I Thought

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I wake up to the sound of beeping and I realize my alarm is going off. I open my eye's seeing Allison is still sleeping. I set an alarm for 7:00 so it gives us an hour so I can get ready and have enough time to go to Allison's all-in time for school. 

I move her hair out of her face, and I smile seeing her in my hoodie and shirt. I speak gently and quietly "Alli, it's time to get up." 

She soon flutters her eyes open looking up to me smiling and she wraps her arms around me, and I do the same smelling in her scent knowing I won't be able to until later. After we part, we get up and she waits to hug herself in my hoodie as all she had to do was change back into her jeans and underwear.

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I pick out one of my favorite outfits, my favorite outfit being my black and blueish green hooded jacket with a white shirt and tan jeans

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I pick out one of my favorite outfits, my favorite outfit being my black and blueish green hooded jacket with a white shirt and tan jeans. We get in the jeep with plenty of time to spare.
~~mini timeskip~~
We pull up to Allison's house already prepared with an excuse. We walk up not holding hands, but we walk side by side each other as I knock on the door and not long before the door swings open revealing Chris, Allison's dad. 

He asks, "oh hi Stiles, Allison want to explain." She says confidently "Lydia wanted to pick the perfect outfit and I told her I need to go so she suggested I call Stiles to drive me home so I could get dressed." 

He looks from her to me but soon steps aside to let us through and he says to me "wait downstairs for Allison to come back." I look at him and back at Allison and I give a nod and an encouraging smile. She smiles back going up the stairs as I wait for her Chris leaves, but I know he'll be watching to make sure I don't move.

So, I stay rooted in place shifting uncomfortably from foot to foot wringing my hands together as my anxiety and adhd starts making me restless and fidgety

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So, I stay rooted in place shifting uncomfortably from foot to foot wringing my hands together as my anxiety and adhd starts making me restless and fidgety. I keep looking up to see if she's coming down but so far nothing.

~~mini timeskip~~
I look up for the billionth time finally seeing Allison coming down the stairs and I watch her come down the stairs like an elegant angel or maybe a dove. It takes all the will power I can muster to not run up and hug and kiss her all over to breathe in her scent. 

She smiles at me and asks me "you ready? Let's go." She walks past me turning me on big time, that confidence and bossy attitude is seriously hot. 

I turn to follow her to the jeep, and I go to open the door for her, and I close it once she's in and a go around the other side and hop in as Allison is buckling up. I turn Roscoe on and we start down the road towards Beacon Hills High School. 

On the way we would steal glances at each other, and I know see must feel it too. The feeling to jump into the other's bones and make one another know we belong to them. 

I can see it. We just pull into the parking lot, and we jump out as if the car was about to blow up. Going our separate ways not looking at each other knowing full well we'd eat each other's faces and make it known that we belong to each other. 

I hear Scott call out from behind me "hey Allison, wait up." I immediately feel nervous wondering if Scott knows but the fact, he's so focused on Allison he breezes right past me going after her and I breathe out the breath I didn't realize that I was holding. I know this is going to be a lot harder than I thought.
It's now lacrosse practice and I make my way to the boys locker room to change. When I get there I just about took my shirt off realizing that if I take my shirt off now they'll all see the hickeys I got from Allison. 

I wait until mostly everyone and Scott is long out to the field before removing my shirt changing into my practice outfit. I get onto the field and coach yells "STILINSKI GET YOUR BUTT ON THIS FIELD!!! COME ON RUN! THATS IT HUSTLE!" 

He now blows his whistle and continues to shout, "all right now you boys know the drill, Mccall grab a long stick and the rest of you line up." I'm looking forward to this. I'm last in the line and after everyone it's now my turn, I take the ball, dodging the tacklers and toss the ball to the net but it's caught by Scott and I glare at him going to the back of the line as coach speaks "nice Mccall, STILINSKI!! Get your head in the game!"

 I'm last in the line and after everyone it's now my turn, I take the ball, dodging the tacklers and toss the ball to the net but it's caught by Scott and I glare at him going to the back of the line as coach speaks "nice Mccall, STILINSKI!! Get y...

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I feel my anger boiling over into a rage as I wait for my turn to show exactly who's got game. My turn finally comes and with my fuming rage I toss the ball full force with everything feeling my energy travel from toes to head to my arms, it flows with my movements as I launch the ball and I . . . . . . . . . . . Score. 

Wait I scored, I scored. I smirk looking at Scott feeling better now I showed him up. I then hear coach only boosting my ego and confidence "that's it Stilinski, way to go, and MCCALL too slow! Move faster if you want to keep up!" 

We do a few more turns before the end of practice and I feel myself practically glowing as I wait to change my shirt, I've already taken off my gear when I look turning around to see Scott, Liam, Isaac, Cory, and Mason, all surrounding me. I ask them as I turn around to face them "uhh, hey guys. What's up?" 

Scott changes his eyes to his alpha red and in response Issac, Liam, and Cory's change too as they continue to look at me and Mason seems to just be there standing a little distance away as Scott says to me his eyes still glowing red "He looks and smells normal?" 

His eyes slowly fade, and I give him a confused look and ask "ummm, what? Smell, and look normal. Scott, why are you guys cornering me in the boys locker room Smelling me and looking at me with glowing eyes?" 

The other guy's eyes fade back to normal, and Scott says with disbelief in his tone "you want to explain what came over you in practice today?" Liam speaks emphasizing Scott's point "I still remember you two cornering me telling me what I did was impossible, and now knowing what Scott is I understand why. So what we want to know Stiles. . Is how you got the ball past Scott?" 

Isaac, Cory and Mason all nod agreeing with Scott and Liam. I finally answer them but with sarcasm lacing my voice "I had a lucky shot, and if you remember after that I kept missing. So for me it's not that far out there, someone whose been human and had to practice the hard way. You know without the sudden senses to see hear and smell things to help me. So maybe I just had a lucky shot." I turn to grab my bag from my locker when it's slammed shut by a clawed hand.

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