"I need to get up. I need to speak with Erwin and follow up with the mission," Levi said as he tried to twist his legs off the bed.

But Y/N's grip was unrelenting.

"Nope," Y/N said. "It's the middle of the night, Levi. You need to sleep more. I'll get Erwin for you in the morning, but I'm sure he planned to come see you anyways."

"Y/N. Now's not the time," Levi snapped back.

"Your doctor and your Commander said you needed to stay in bed. Are you going to disobey them?"

Levi hesitated then rolled his eyes. It was annoying how well she knew him.

"I'm not going to be able to sleep anyways," he grumbled.

"Yeah, yeah. Lay down."

"You're blocking me from doing that," Levi quipped.

Don't be rude. He's injured, Y/N coached herself.

She scooted back to lean against the headboard, and she adjusted his pillow to cushion her back. Levi looked over his shoulder to watch her movements.

Definitely not because she doesn't have pants on, Levi thought.

"Lay down," Y/N patted her thighs.

Levi's mouth popped open as he stared at her. He watched her thighs jiggle, and suddenly, he forgot the ache in his body that had been present from the moment he woke up.

His eyes were glued on the apex of her supple thighs. Her underwear hardly covered her pussy with her legs spread open; it was tantalizing.

"What?" Levi asked without looking up at her.

"Lay down, you pervert," Y/N laughed.

He leaned back on his elbows and lowered himself down inch by inch until his shoulders rested on top of her thighs.

"Scoot down a bit, so your shoulders are between my legs, and your head is laying on me."

Levi was stiff as he followed her instructions, and he was incredibly thankful for the blanket covering his erection. When he was in place, his head should have rested on her pelvis, but he held it just over her.

Y/N's fingers carded through his hair on both sides, and she guided his head down. His whole body is tense, Y/N thought. She began running her nails along his scalp in long, circular motions.

"Y/N," Levi complained. "What are you doing? This is ridiculous." The last thing he wanted to do was fall asleep.

"Shhhh," Y/N hummed. "Close your eyes."

Levi scoffed, so Y/N moved her hands to his face. She traced her fingers over his forehead and down his nose. Then she went across his cheeks, up his temples, and back to his forehead.

His eyes fluttered closed; the energy to fight against being comforted drained from his features. She returned to his hair to scratch and massage his scalp. His eyes didn't open again while her fingers worked to lull him to sleep, and his breathing slowed. In under ten minutes, Levi was back to sleep; the side of his face leaned against her left thigh.

Y/N let her head droop to the side, and she continued her ministrations while she herself fell back asleep. She wasn't comfortable, but she didn't care.

This is way better than the chair.


When Levi awoke again, his room was filled with bright sunlight. He couldn't remember the last time he woke up after the sunrise, let alone slept well into the morning. The next thing he noticed was the pressure against his upper arms and the squishy thigh under his head.

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