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Angelina's outfit for the chapter ^^^

Angelina's POV

We had made it to Francis' house. Francis and I turned to the backseat to see a sleeping Richard Papen. I watched his sleeping figure, taking in every little detail. Francis turned to me, "He looks peaceful." He whispered. "He always seems tense around us. But, in his current state his looks calm and at ease." I replied back. "Well, why don't you wake him up and I'll take the bags in. We don't want to keep the others up any longer than they already have."

I got out of the car and went to Richard's side. I put my hand on his shoulder shaking him slightly, "Come on Rich, we're here." He he looked up at me with half-lidded eyes.

"Where are we again?" He asked sleepily.  "Francis'. Come on, we don't want to keep the others waiting."
I grabbed his hands and helped him out of the car, for someone who was drunk and was at a crowded and sweaty party, he smelled amazing. Richard smelled like cheap cologne (not the kind you can buy at a drugstore) and Marlboro cigarettes. There was something about Richard that made me infatuated with him. I don't know what it is but it's there. Francis and Eddie keep poking fun at me because of it, Francis knows how I feel about Rich. But Eddie does it because whenever there's a chance to make fun of me, he'll be there. All in good fun of course.

I slung Richard's arm across my shoulders and held my arm around his waist. When we walked into the country house I saw Charles and Camila sharing the bench at the piano trying to play a few notes from Erik Satie's Gymnopédie No. 1, an exhausted and half asleep Henry on the couch , a disheveled Edmund walking down the stairs to get a drink, and Francis sitting in the arm chair lighting a cigarette across from where Henry sat.

"Finally," said Bunny groggily. "The love birds have arrived." The twins turned to face me as I set a half conscious Richard Papen next to Henry. "Hello good sir." Charlie said with a smile. Camila sent a wave and a soft smile my way. I gave them both a polite nod. "Oh, hello." Henry spoke slowly, his voice sounded hoarse. "Alright, now that our guest of honor has arrived drunk and passed out. I think you all should head to bed." Everyone gave a tired nod and headed their separate ways. Francis, however stayed behind. "Angie there are only five rooms. Remember?" He said. "I know."
"Where are you going to sleep?" Francis asked worriedly. "I'm going to share a room with Sleeping Beauty." I chuckled as I looked over at Richard. "You really are in love with him." Francis said with a smile. "I am not in love with him."
"Right, and I'm heterosexual. Well then, goodnight Prince Charming." Said Francis. "Goodnight to you too Franny."

After a while of struggling to get up the stairs with unconscious Papen behind me, we finally made it to our shared room. I helped Richard undress and get into his pajamas. He lazily got into bed with half of his body hanging off the side. I let out a soft chuckle at the sight. There was a light knock on the door, I turned to see Henry leaning against the door frame. "You should be in bed. What's up?" I spoke softly as to not ruined peaceful quiet that hung in the air. "I just came to see if you needed help." Henry said softly. "No, I'm alright. Thank you anyway. You should really get to bed." My little brother gave me a tired nod and kiss on the cheek, in which I gratefully returned and sent him on his way.

I was finally able to sit down and take off my shoes. I was so exhausted that I didn't even bother to change into something more comfortable, I just got into bed with my sweater and dress pants. Unfortunately for me I didn't fall asleep right away like I had hoped. Instead I stared at the ceiling for about 10 minutes. I then turned to face the sleeping figure next to me. Richard. No matter how he looked, he always seemed to look beautiful. Even in his drunken state, he was perfect. He scooted closer to me and wrapped himself around me. Hiding his face in the crook of my neck. At first I tensed, then I hesitantly wrapped you arms around him, taking in his warmth and his smell. Richard then did something I never thought would happen. He looked up at me with closed eyes and kissed my cheek. "Thank you." He said groggily. When he lied back down, I went wide eyed and my cheeks flushed the darkest red to ever exist.

Quick author's note I forgot to mention that Angelina has a special nickname for everyone.

Here's the list of them

Francis- Fran, Franny, and Carrot-Top
Henry- Hen, Icarus, and Little Brother
Edmund (Bunny)- Eddie and Ed
Camila- Sir, Milly, and Cam
Charles- Charlie and Milady
Richard- Rich, Richie, Love and Gatsby
Julian- Jules

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