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(TW: homophobic slurs)

The next afternoon I had walked down to the post office, I scribbled down a picture postcard to my mother-fiery orange maples and a mountain stream. I placed a sentence on the back that advised: 'Plan to see Vermont's autumn foliage between mid September and early October, when it is at it's vivid best.'

As I was adding my postcard to the out of town slot, I noticed Bunny was across the room, his back facing me, scanning through the numerous rows of numbered boxes. He had stopped at box 247, which happened to be my own, he bent his upper half and slip something in it. Straightened his posture and left quickly, hands in his pockets and his sandy mop of hair flopping in different directions. I walked over to my box and peeked inside, there was a letter.

Richard old Man

What do you Say we have Lunch on Saturday, maybe somewhere around 1? I know this Great little place. Cocktails, business. My treat. Please come.

p.s. wear a Tie. I am Sure you would have anyway but they will drag some godawful one out from the back and meke (s.p.) you Wear it if you Don't.

I took a second or two to look at the note, then slipped it into my pocket and walked out of the post office.


I had high hopes that today's weather would be cooler for my lunch with Bunny, because my best jacket was a scratchy dark tweed, but when I woke up on Saturday it was extremely hot and it was getting hotter.

"Gonna be a scorcher today," the janitor said as I passed him on my way to the bathroom. "Indian summer." I could hear from behind me.

When I walked into the bathroom I was unpleasantly surprised to see Judy Poovey, who lived just a few doors down from me, at the sink brushing her teeth.
"Hello, Richard." Said Judy pleasantly, "Hello," I said trying focus on working my tie. "You look cute today."
"Thank you."
"Got a date?"
I removed my gaze from the mirror to face her. "What?"
"Where are you going?"
"Oh, um I'm going out to lunch with "Edmund Corcoran."
"You know Bunny?"
"Sort of, yes. Do you?"
"A little bit he was in my art history class with his little buddy and his buddy's sister, I think that's what her association with him is."
"Henry and Angelina Winter?"
"Yeah, those two." She began to fluff out her hair in the mirror. "I think their assholes, especially his sister."
"I kind like them both." I said offended.
"I don't." She parted her hair as she said this. "He's always been a bastard to me. I hate the twins too."
"Why? The twins are nice."
"Oh yeah? Ok then listen to this," she took her long blood red stiletto nails and raked through her hair separating her curls. "I was at a party last term, and I was pretty drunk, like shitfaced drunk and sort of dancing, right? So I was dancing and I stumbled over the girl, I think her name is Camila? Anyway, she got annoyed and the next thing I know I feel beer run down my face. And apparently her brother, and the other brother and sister saw what had happened and came over to us." Judy was pulling her hair out of her face and in a ponytail. "So anyway, the boy twin starts yelling in my face and the Winter siblings stood there and their faces were redder than my nails, well more so the girl than her brother. So I told them to kindly fuck off." She was putting on her eye makeup and continued. "And while the boy is yelling at me, a buddy of mine, Spike Romney, saw him and came over to us. And he's a pretty good size compared to Henry, so he comes over and something just snapped in his sister. She used all of her power, knocked over Spike and just started wailing on him, to the point he had a black eye, a busted lip, and a broken nose. And she's pretty good size too, I think she's like 6'1, but when she was finished her knuckles were busted open, a busted lip, and a bruise on her cheekbone."

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