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The next morning I woke up with a pounding headache. I later on met up with Charles and Camila after I had seen them walking around the courtyard through the library window, I called out to them and asked me to join them.
"We heard about your lunch with Bunny." Charles said after a few minutes of walking in silence. But, the strange thing was that the silence wasn't uncomfortable, I had an alarmingly sense of comfort around the twins. I laughed, "Oh, how'd you find out?" I asked, "The lunch, I mean."
"Bunny called us this morning and Angelina told us last night." Said Camila.
"I think they were pretty mad last night."
When I said this Charles and Camila sent each other a knowing look then faced me with a smile. "Well, I know that one, Angelina is incapable of being mad at you, and secondly, she wasn't mad, she and Henry were just disappointed in Bunny for doing what he did." Charles said this while making hand gestures to get his point across.
"Are you sure?" I asked unsure and in thought, 'What do they mean by Angelina is incapable of being mad at me?'
"I am 100% sure, and just to insure you, when Bunny called us this morning, he told us that when he went to give Henry the check Angelina took it and used his full name instead of using 'Bunny' or 'Eddie' like she always does." This was Camila.
"I remember when she left to go pay, Bunny leaned against me and told me something like that." I told them.
"Yeah, so she isn't mad at you and neither is Henry." Charles spoke again. They really do seem to have that special twin bond, finishing each other's sentences and taking turns speaking. Charles continued, "Besides, Henry and Angelina couldn't stay mad at Bunny for to long either. Those three are best buds."
"Yeah, their almost like a golden trio. But, Bunny and Angelina aren't as close as she is with Francis. Those two have a have a bond just as tight as her and Henry's bond." Again this was Camila,
"Well, Henry and Bunny seem to argue quit a bit." I spoke after a beat of silence.
"Oh well, of course. You can't except them to get along with each other all of the time." Camila said softly. "Believe it or not, but Francis and Angelina are the same way." Said Charles. He continued, "Henry is always so serious and Bunny is, well, it's Bunny and Angelina is both serious and carefree."
"It seems as though Angelina and Bunny are the only ones capable to make Henry laugh." Camila stopped suddenly and put a finger against her lips to silence us. She pointed to a tree. The tree was an ashy white color and was split in two from a lighting strike. There on the branches sat three black birds. They were too large to be crows.

"Ravens." Charles spoke in a hushed voice. His voice sounded very rasp and husky. We all stood there stock-still watching them. One of the ravens clumsily hopped off the branch and into the air, it's weight sent vibration waves throughout the tree. This caused the the rest of the birds to squawk and follow in suit of their brethren. "Three of them for the three of us." Charles spoke with a sense of eerie essence in his voice. "That's an augury, I bet."
"A what?" I said.
"An omen."
"Of what?" I asked.
"Don't know." Charles shrugged his shoulders. "Henry's the ornithomantist. The bird-diviner and Angelina is such a Roman she would know."
We turned and made our way towards home. With Charles said omen, the night felt like a scene straight out of a horror film. The moon was a thin, white crescent it looked like God's thumbnail in the night sky. We said our goodnights, bid our fair wells, and parted ways.


The next afternoon Charles and Camila invited me over to get to know me better and vice versa.
"So, Richard do you many people from California?" Charles asked me.
"Not really."
"You know Judy Poovey." Camila called from the kitchen. 'How did she know that?' I thought to myself. She continued. "You know she once spilled her beer on me at a party." "Yeah, I heard about that." I let out a little laugh. Camila however didn't even crack a smile. She walked into the lounge room with a tray. On the there was a China teapot, a bowl of sugar, a close gravy boat looking dish filled with cream, and an array of tea bags. "Do you know who Cloke Rayburn is?" Camila asked me, while setting down the tray.
"Uh, well, I know of him. I've never really initiated conversation before."
"He's good friends with Bunny and Angelina." Said Charles as he took a gulp of his tea. "Camila, didn't Cloke and Ange use to date?" I suddenly felt a pit grow in my stomach when he asked this. 'What if she still has feelings for him?' I asked myself.
"I believe so. I think it only lasted two months. Don't worry Richard, they figured out that they're much better friends than each other's significant other." Camila spoke with a mischievous smirk. She went to say something when there was a knock a the door. "Well, I wonder who it could be." Charles said as he went to answer the door.
"Hello, old sport." Bunny said with a wide grin in the open doorway. From what I could see, Henry was behind Bunny, his nose in a book. Angelina was next to Bunny. Her forearm rested on his shoulder and her other hand was intertwined with Francis', who was standing behind her. "Sorry to drop by, but we may have done a terrible deed." Bunny continued. "I bought some stout and Francis bought some champagne for all of us." When he mentioned the alcohol, both him and Francis held up the said bottles. "Well, come on in." Charles opened the door wider for the four. When they all walked in Francis went over to Camila and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Hello darling."

"Hello Francis." She said with a warm smile. He sat cross legged on the floor with the champagne bottle in his lap. Bunny did the same to Camila, "Hello girlie."
"Hello Bun." She said with the same smile. Bunny sat next to Charles on the couch and set the bottle of stout on the coffee table next to the tea tray. When Henry walked up to Camila, he gave her a side hug and kiss on the corner of her mouth. When he went to sit next to Bunny, he left Camila a blushing mess. When Angelina came in she went over to Camila, gave her a kiss on the cheek and said hello. As she walked over to Charles to do the same, she had done to Camila, she sent a knowing wink Camila's way.
"Hello m'lady." Angelina spoke in a accurate British accent. She bowed in front of him, took Charles' hand and gave him a delicate kiss on his hand. He responded with a terrible feminine giggle  as he placed his other hand in front of his mouth. "Hello to you, kind sir." He spoke a terrible British accent. Bunny rolled his eyes in disgust, while Francis rolled his in playfulness and Henry just chuckled and shook his head. Angelina came over and sat next to me on the love-seat, she gave me a side hug and a kiss on the corner of the mouth. "Hello Rich." She said warmly. Now it was my turn to be a blushing mess. "H-hello." I stuttered out. Bunny clapped his hands together and said, "Now, what were you three birds talking about before we came?"
"Well, we were just talking about Cloke." Camila said.
"Good things I hope." This was Angelina. "Actually, I just saw him this morning, we went out had breakfast together in Hampden town." She continued.
"How is he?" Bunny asked.
"'Same old business.' Is what he told me when I asked him." She said.

We all continued to converse, everyone became slightly tipsy. They asked me questions and I asked them questions. "So, Richard." Angelina turned to face me. During our conversation she made her way to the floor next to Francis and Bunny took her original spot. "What is one thing in Greek or Roman history that you would like to try?" She asked me.
"Um, I'm going to sound insane, but I would like to see what a bacchanal is."
After the words left my mouth, the room went dead silence. I watched as the Greek pupils went wide eyed and mouths agape, except for Bunny who had a confused look planted across his face. They all looked at one another. "Like I said I know it sounds insane."
"N-no not at all. You just don't seem like the person to be interested in a bacchanal." Angelina stuttered out.
"Well, I think that we should all head home. Angelina, Francis, and Charles will you help me put everything away?" Henry shot up from his seat in a worrisome yet stoic manner. The said three stood up grabbed everything and followed Henry into the kitchen.
Bunny leaned against me and whispered, "Do you know what's going on with them?"
"Not a clue Bunn, Not a clue." I whispered back. He just nodded back and went to his original position.
"Well, Richard it was nice having you over." Camila said to me with a warm yet nervous smile. "Thank you for inviting me." I gave her a reassuring smile.
"Bunny, why don't you take Richard back to his dorms? Please and thank you."
"Oh, Camila it's fine I can walk."
"It's alright old man. I'll take ya." Bunny said as he patted my back.
"Thank you Bunn." Camila said
"No problem, girlie. Come on Richie, time to get ya home."
We got up and walked to the door before Bunny called out, "Goodbye to you too, you mystery quartet."
"Oh, shit. Sorry Eddie. Goodbye, you two." Angelina called out as she came from the kitchen to the door. She gave Bunny a kiss on the cheek and a hug. She then turned to me and gave me another kiss on the corner of my mouth. We walked out into the hallway and I once again was a blushing mess. Bunny noticed this and said, "Come on you lovesick fool. I promised Camila I'd get you home, and that's what I plan to do." And with that Bunny took me home.

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