diner down the river

68 8 93

sorry this chapter is a little long BUT it contains some very important pieces so keep your eyes peeled.

content warnings:
i already forgot my emoji system so uh talk of death and i think that's it??


I step foot into Ms. Rall's Chemistry class, the last of my day. Out of all the strange classroom experiences I had today, Rall's seemed to finally give a sense of familiarity. Students are shuffling in aimlessly, a soft chatter can be heard throughout as Rall taps a pen impatiently at her desk, waiting for the bell to commence the beginning of the lesson.

The pale green walls are adorned with various periodic table styles and cheesy chemistry pun posters. Her class feels like a physical manifestation of her brain exploded all over the walls.

Glancing around the room, it's hard to find a familiar face. I'm not surprised, knowing that neither Sasha or Connie would come remotely close to a subject that involved memorization and mathematics in one. However, as I make my way through the various lab benches filled with students who looked as if Chemistry was their one true purpose in life, my eyes land on the boy with strands of gold for hair. Armin.

Considering our encounter in Biology was not one of favour, I cautiously make my way forward to the lab bench, scanning to make sure my movements don't rile up another egotistical imbecile.

Armin is focused on his own tasks. His notebooks and pencils are all placed neatly in line with one another as he jots down small words in a much tinier blue notebook on top of it all.

"Hey, Armin," I smile softly, standing directly in front of him with a respectful distance in between.

Quickly, Armin shuts the small notebook tight and his crystal blue eyes stare up through the blonde hair that frays over them. "H-hi Ara," he stutters, uncomfortable tension being built by the minute.

"I'm sorry for the awkward situation I put you in during Biology," I offer, the apology still leaving a bitter taste in my mouth due to the few times I've given them.

Armin lets out a kind chuckle. "It's o-okay."

"Mind if I sit here?" I gesture to the stool next to him. "Or do you have another lab partner in mind for this class?"

"N-no, no! Please!" Armin shifts his work to the side, carefully slipping the small notebook back into his bag and removing the stool out from under the table so I can sit.

Once I plop myself down in the seat, I draw out all my belongings and shift once more to Armin.

"Do you know where I would find Mikasa after school? I'm pretty sure we have an agreement to meet after, but I realized I don't know her schedule," I ask.

Armin stares forward at the front of the class, blank-faced. He lets out a small puff of air, but the stress within it is evident. He doesn't turn to me, but instead questions, "Did Mikasa agree to this?"

I quickly think back to Phys. Ed and the way Mikasa went off with Eren instantly. I'm pretty sure her reply was yes, though the tense event caused me to forget a bit of what happened prior.

At this point, I honestly can't remember, but I refuse to appear as if I don't have a hold on the conversations or people around me. Therefore, I reply, "Yes."

"Then she'll find you," is all Armin responds. The bell rings to cut our conversation short, Ms. Rall standing up to introduce herself.

Chemistry goes by much faster than expected. Thanks to Armin's diligence in course work, we don't speak another word minus an exchanged glance here and there. The only thing I notice is him playing at his sleeve, tugging at it on his lap whenever not occupied by his note-taking. Within an hour, the class is once again gathering their belongings and filing their way out.

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