10- Adeline Knight- Fuck you

Start from the beginning

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and saved his number in my phone as "Lorenzo ;)" before I ate the food he brought me.

Laying down to get ready for bed, I picked up my phone to text him, not expecting an answer back soon I put it down to go to bed.

A few moments later, I got a notification.


Adeline: Hey. It's Adeline:)

Lorenzo ;) : Hey baby, how are you feeling?

Adeline: horny :(

Lorenzo ;) : I'm sorry baby, but you know, I can fix that.

Adeline: I think you've helped enough today.

Lorenzo ;) : Is that an attitude that I'm hearing? Did you not learn your lesson earlier?

Adeline: No sir. I learned and i'll be good, just for you.

Lorenzo ;) : Don't be a tease, you know better.

Adeline: sorry sir, I wasn't trying to. Are you going to punish me?

Lorenzo ;) : Don't temp me.

Adeline: I have to go to bed since I have work tomorrow, goodnight.

Lorenzo ;) : Goodnight babygirl, sleep well.


I woke up the next morning and got ready for work. I decided I wanted to stop by and get coffee this morning, last night, but decided that I wanted to sleep in again.

Nothing out of the ordinary anyway. I never feel like doing anything in the morning.... Well one thing now. :)

I quickly jumped in the shower and got dressed, simple dress pants with a skintight top and suit jacket, with some flats and my hair in a loose ponytail.

Walking out the front door, Nick was waiting for me by my car.

"Where to?" He asked.

"Office building. I'm going to a few meetings today, I'll send you the times and you can just bring the car around back."

"Sure thing."

I arrived at my office around 15 minutes later, then sitting down and getting to work.

Sending the times and places of my meetings to Nick took little thought and I let my mind wander off.

I ended up reliving yesterday in my mind and it got me very sexually frustrated and turned on.

Without even realizing it, I got very little done and I needed to head to my first meeting. I was dreading the second one... Archer Francisco.

Nick was waiting for me at the back of the building and he took me the the designated place that the other person set.

The meeting went down smoothly and we agreed that we both needed some more time to think about the different areas that our businesses specialized on. Mine on fashion and his on marketing.

I got in the car when Nick arrived and he took me to my next destination, As he was driving I got a text.

Lorenzo ;) : Hi baby, how's your day been?

Adeline: I've been busy, I'm going to my last meeting today, then I'll be done.

Lorenzo ;) : With who? Would you like to go out for dinner together?

Adeline: uhhh.... It's with Archer. but it's just a meeting... I swear. And I would love to have dinner with you.

I had to get that clarified... I didn't want another misunderstanding.

Lorenzo ;) :  Of course, I wouldn't think otherwise, taking in consideration of how good you were for me last night ;)

I felt my cheeks heat up from the mention for last night.

Adeline: of course sir.

Lorenzo ;) : Go to you meeting and send me the address, I'll pick you up afterwards.

Adeline: But I have to change my clothes. I don't want to stay in the ones I'm wearing for dinner and I want to look nice.

Lorenzo ;) : I can take you home, but I better get benefits from this. Yea?

Adeline: Of course, you can pick my clothes when I shower.

Lorenzo ;) : Sounds good, you can't take that back. Now go to your meeting and I'll be there soon. ;)

Adeline: can't wait, I'm looking forward to it ;)

Lorenzo ;) : You better.

And just like that I walked into my meeting full of anticipation for what was happening tonight. 


A/n— Buckle in you seat belts, we're going for a ride ;)  
If you know what I mean.

Published- 3/9/2022
Word count- 1271

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