Sam x reader (Fluff)

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You stretch and wake up, You groan in pain, You sit up and Sam happens to walk in with breakfast... how sweet
He hands it to you and sits down next to you

Sam: Your favorite... Because I know yesterday really tired you down.

Y/N: It did.. Getting thrown like that killed my back..

You had a giant bruise on your back, you started eating the thing he made you , He made you chocolate chip pancakes, Sauage, And hashbrowns. You loved this, It reminded you of your childhood before.. Your parents died, He noticed you were both happy and sad and he scooted over to play with your hair and rub your back softly ...

Sam: Did I make it good  ?

He looks at you hopefully

Y/N: Of course you did, This is amazing!!!

You eat the last of the hashbrowns, And try the pancakes, You savor the taste, It is so chocolatey and sweet, He made it perfect and you loved that. After you finished he put the stuff in the kitchen, he comes back and lays back down with you.

Sam: you feel better ?

Y/N: Mhm

You smile softly,  And you kiss him.. he pulls you closer and gently puts his head in the crook of your neck. You put his arms around him and snuggle closer.

Y/N: I love you sam...

You whisper slightly and kiss his cheek, He puts his head up and kisses your forehead.

Sam: I love you more sweetie.

You guys pick a movie and end up falling asleep to it.

How did you like it! Leave suggestions  :)

258 words

Random Oneshots (FxM, Y/n x reader, FxF) Where stories live. Discover now