Chapter 5

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"Horses?" Shiro asked as he stared towards the six horses left outside his home, both Keith and Katie standing behind him. Both safely tucked behind him while the five kidnappers were already standing by their horse. 

Shiro was just above average height with pure white skin and a pinkish scar across his nose. A stump left from what was left over his right arm and his body was a Hercules build. He's got stern but caring grey eyes and brushed back black hair with a white tuff.  

"We've got to go to the port town. It's a two day trip from this village but only a day travel if we go by horse and don't take any breaks. We'll be riding without rest from now on, we can rest while we arrive in the port town" The man who had snuck into both Keith and Katie room earlier explained as he was already climbing onto his horse, his other four men staying by their horses and ready to grab the three if they tried making a run for it. 

"Can't we walk? I'm happy to walk" Keith nervously asked as he's always had a fear of horses. He didn't mind them by a distance and didn't personal hold a grudge against them but he fear riding on one. He's seen people get thrown off a horse and the damage it does .. he knew with his bad temper that he'd clearly fight with his own horse and be thrown off. 

Keith was just under average height with pale skin and held a toned body, his morning jogs and works out with Shiro every day helped shaped his firm muscles. Thick and straight black hair in the shape of a mullet and dark eyes that shimmer a shade of violet whenever he's pissed. 

"No. Walking with make our return longer than needed. We must leave this village quickly and reach the port town as quickly as we can. These horses will do that for us" The man replied sternly, nodding towards the sixth horse for them to use. He'd plan to only kidnap one person not three, so one of them would end up having to share with one of his men in the end anyways. But at least two of them could share a horse and ride with them. 

"He has a fear of riding. Shiro take him with you, I can share with one of the other men" Katie explained to her kidnappers before turning to her oldest brother and knowing Keith will have to go with Shiro instead of her. 

"N-No way! They're here to kidnap you, remember. We can't leave you alone with one of them. He might gain grabby hands while riding" Keith snapped back and grabbing hold of her hand so she couldn't wonder off to one of the kidnappers that all started climbing onto their own horses. 

"I'll be fine. You won't be if you don't have one of us with you and I don't know how to ride a horse while Shiro does. He's the only one who can safely ride that horse with one of us with him. So, partner up with him" Katie calmly replied with a sweet smile, giving a comforting tap to Keith shoulder and using facts to win her argument. 

"She can ride with me in return. I'll be taking lead and you two men can ride up beside me. Keep an eye on my .. hands and make sure they don't wonder. Sounds fair?" The man, the leader of the kidnappers offered back since they were wasting time over choosing who got to ride with who. 

"Deal" Katie quickly smiled back before her brothers had the chance to argue back in disagreement. 

Shiro gave his little sister a worried look before heading towards the sixth horse, knowing she could handle herself. Plus, he'll keep an eye fixed on the leader the whole ride to the port town. He'd make sure to grab the guy and yank him of the horse if he tries anything to her. 

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