Chapter 8

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"Doing well I see" Katie grinned as she found her brother leaning against the ship railing and seemed ready to throw himself over. 

"I can't train on this this. I can simply jog around the deck and it's not much of a jog. I need something to push me, something exciting" Keith huffed out in annoyance as his grip tighten on the railing. He was fed up and just wanted a decent work out. 

"Why not ask Shiro for a spar?" Katie asked with a small smile, stopping beside him and glancing down to the ocean, watching the waves crash against the bottom of the ship. 

"I said I wanted to push myself not kill myself. Even with one arm Shiro is not to be messed with" Keith stated with a worried look as he knew better than to pick a fight with Shiro. 

"Ask one of the crew to spar with you. They've got to be strong or witty if they survive living on the ocean for this long. Their job comes with danger. I'm sure you can find someone" Katie offered instead as she glanced towards him and knew that at least one of the crew members would love a good old fight. Show who the bigger "dog" was on the ship and try to push the newbies around. They were the newbies and Keith could show they weren't some babies that could be bullied. 

"Maybe but what if they suck?" Keith sighed as he lowered his head, not wishing to get his hopes up for a good fight only to be disappointed. 

"You wouldn't know unless you give it a go" Katie argued back as he lightly nudged into him.

"I believe that Shiro is missing Adam dearly already" Keith quietly admitted, worried for their older brother as he seemed to be a little lost when waking up this morning. It was the first time Shiro been so far away from Adam since the day he returned with Katie. 

"As I'm sure Adam is missing us" Katie admits with a sad smile, praying that Adam was doing well and wasn't becoming overly depressed without them. 

"Do you regret joining these guys?" Keith asked, concern in his eyes as he finally turned his head to look at her. 

"It wasn't much of a choice but I know it was the best choice at the time" Katie answered calmly as she leaned down, resting her arms over the railing and knowing it was the best choice to make. 

"I don't regret coming with you. You're my family and I'll do anything to protect you. I can't lose another family and I know you feel the same" Keith replied, a small frown on his lips but his expression soft as he needed her to know he wasn't regretting this trip. 

"I use to hate the ocean when I lived with my first family. They would leave to travel so much but I was never allowed to go near the sea. My curiousness turned into bitterness towards the ocean even though I know it did me no great harm" Katie randomly muttered out as her eyes dully stared at the blue water below and remembering how bitter she became towards it as a child. 

"And your first time on a ship didn't end well either" Keith snorted back as he's heard the stories from both her and Shiro as time passed once she had joined their family.

"I don't believe so. The ocean was not to blame for that ship to sink. But the ocean did give me the chance to meet Shiro, to gain a second chance at having a family. I hate that Iverson had to die for my second chance but I wouldn't have stopped myself from entering that ship if I could back to time. I like my second chance and I want to keep it" Katie honestly answered with a sweet smile as she stood up again and knowing she owed the ocean a lot for helping gain a second chance. To gain a second family and be loved by them as she is. 

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