Is she okay?

How is she?

What's her favorite color?

What has she been doing all these years?

Does she have friends?

Does she like animals?


So many thoughts are occupying my mind that I didn't even notice we arrived until Ian snaps me out of my thoughts.

I look up at him, "we're here" he says.

I nod my head and step out of the car, my younger siblings following my lead.

As we walk into the police station, I see a police officer walk out of an interrogation room.

The man sees us and immediately makes his way over.

I shake his hand tightly as his face pales a little.

Well when you're a mafia boss, people tend to do that.

We greet each other before he escorts us to another room where computers lay.

He tells us all about how Athena her stepfather died and how it was done on purpose when he suddenly starts talking about finding Maria's- dead fake mother, dead body in the basement of the house.

"There were drugs all over the place just like alcohol when we were looking for any clues about why your stepfather would have someone want to kill him." He tells us.

I just nod my head from time to time to show that I'm listening.

"We brought your sister in and she stayed here for a few hours until she ran"

"Ran!?" Valerio practically screams.

I give him a harsh glare before turning back to the officer, "why and how did she run away from a police station and is she back now" I demand an answer.

"Yes, she's back now and she left by knocking me out after I told her that she couldn't leave the station. She gave me a letter which I found when I was brought back to consciousness which told me that she would be back in a few hours which was true." He explains.

I suppress the smile from taking over my facial expression.

My sister knocked an officer out, couldn't be prouder.

"Can you show us the camera footage?" Valerio- my youngest brother asks.

The officer nods his head while saying 'sure' before he starts typing on the computer.

A few moments go by until the computer I turned to us where we can see a girl with a hoodie covering her face while being turned away from the camera- Athena asking something to the officer that's sitting in front of us.

They continue going back and forward when suddenly Athena gives that man a hug but he ends up passing out by Athena pressing on a pressure point.

She slowly brings the officer to the floor before she starts writing something on a paper before leaving.

We see her sneak out of the police station without anyone noticing her before the camera footage stops.

The officer again turns the computer back to him and brings up the security camera from this morning where we see Athena walking back- well more like limping back in the station when suddenly the officer- another one who is older- at the door slams Athena against the wall.

I grit my teeth and ball my fits tightly from anger.

They talk while the officer cuffs my bambina before bringing her into the interrogation room.

"I want to see her" I demand, the anger not being hidden in my tone.

The man in front of me gulps nervously but agrees and leads us the way.


Athena's POV.

Minutes go by before the door gets opened again.

Slowly by all the commotion in the room, I'm able to take the cuffs off of my wrist and the metal clinking against each other doesn't draw anyone's attention since they're to busy doing whatever.

Eventually I look up as the cuffs are now just lying in my hands but I keep them behind me.

I see 6 unknown men walk in the room and that police officer I knocked unconscious.

Well shit

My secret livesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن