Unexpected Twists

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Uraraka's Pov

Embarrassment coursed through my nerves as i hid my face with a pillow

What was that guy thinking!?

"Ah he is? Is he alright if you get to visit him mind telling him i said to get well soon?"

I heard the Brunette said over the phone

He was on speaker and i didnt even notice

"oh and Uraraka!"

The guy called out to me so Bakugo pointed the phone to face me

"Give izuku a chance if you already Haven't, dont tell him i said this but he adores you! Alright bye now!"

He said before hanging up
My face was full on red

My mouth agape as i let my hands release the pillow as it slowly rises to my face
The heat radiating as if i was in a desert

I heard Mina Snickering with momo clapping gently with her hands

This wasnt appropriate for the situation at all!


'Im saved!" i thought as we all looked over to the door


all of the girls said through the blue surgical masks we were wearing

Eri walked over to the couch we were at

"What are you doing here dont you have a room in the faculty lounge?"

Hagakure asked as she kneeled down to her level

"Yeah i do! but they're all busy doing stuff and Miss Midnight left the door open so i was able to come over here!"

She said all innocently but it looked like she was looking for someone in the room

"Hey where is...Mr. Deku?"

She said holding onto her side bag
as she started to dig her hands into it and pulled out a piece of paper

"I wanted to give Mr. Deku my practice sheets to show him how much better i got at writing!"

She said passing me the worksheet

Her writing did get better
Amazing for such short time

"Its amazing Eri im sure Deku-kun would be very proud of your work"

I said as i gave her a soft smile and a pat on the head

The door creaked open

It was Present Mic

"Have any of you seen Eri by chance?"

He asked as he walked in

Eri jumped onto the couch and layed down beside me staying as still as possible

'Dont tell him im here please..Present Mic has been singing in the Faculty lounge and i cant really say that its good"

Eri winced as she lened over to me though she was so silent and still her horn was still visible over the couch

"Nope we Haven't seen her lately, though Present Mic maybe you should try a different hobby than singing"

Mina filled in as Mic looked uneasy thinking about how Aizawa was gonna kill him if he finds out Eri left the Faculty lounge even if it was Midnight's fault for leaving the door unlocked

"Oh Alright thanks anyways listeners!"

He sighed as he quickly shuffled out the door praying to lord Aizawa doesn't find him during his search for Eri

Quirkless Disease Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon