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Tuesday 8:58pm

Katsuki's Pov

The walk back was...awkward
and sad more so pityful

We all just walked back not saying anything

Uraraka yes i know her name but saying it just isnt me, but on the way back i could tell she was holding back tears

Mina and Sero, i knew They were hoping for the damn Nerd to be awake so they can interrogate him but with the news we received i just knew a burst of guilt overpowered them knowing they were gonna interrogate a guy on his Deathbed

And then theres the Bastard
Sure he was tense as a rock and barely showed any emotion at all but i saw how the realisation hit him as if a gunshot with a letter got shot through his head
a shadow overhanging from his face

we were told to keep what we learned A secret so we were

from the looks of everyones faces
we would all just head to our rooms right away take a shower and spend the rest of the night up in our rooms

Drops of water hitting the ground enhances

It was starting to rain

i stopped walking and laid my pal out and looked up

Causing everyone else to look up too wondering what i was doing

"A perfect setting for the mood"

I scoffed as i stuffed my hand into my pocket and started to walk over to the dormitory doors only a few feet away

opening the door seems as if everyone already went to bed
or getting ready to sleep

i turned the lights on and went over to the elevator to go up to my room

Tuesday 6:37pm
Somewhere Otheon
(European Country)
Rody's Pov

"I Finnished my shift im gonna go head back now!"

"Ugh today was super busy today huh?"

I complained As Pino Landed On my shoulder and chirped agreeing with me

I Wonder how Izuku is doing?

I looked up as i thought

'what if i went to go visit him?'

I smiled at that as i also wanted to meet his friends he always talked about

The ones i wanna know most about is the girl named Uraraka

Izuku talked about her SO much!

I wanna meet her and maybe get them on a date Finally!

Its so blatantly obvious i thought they were already together

"aish! Hes so helpless hah!"

I said as Pino flapped his wings

sorry for not posting for like 2 weeks

At first it was because if school amd them my insides was shedding again-
and now i have 3 more projects for school
and just lots of stuff haplening.

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