"Uh, h-hey."

"You doin' okay in there?"

I glanced back at the dress again, feeling my heart pounding in my chest. I turned back and rested my head against the door, shutting my eyes.

"Yeah. Just got out the shower. I'm gonna start getting ready now."

"Perfect. The limo should be here in a little over an hour. You think you'll be ready?"

"Yeah... I'll be ready."

"I can't wait to see how beautiful you look, Bambina. Tonight's gonna be amazing, I promise."

My heart clenched a little knowing last night's cuddle session with Teo relit the spark of hope he had.

His footsteps faded away and after a few moments, I turned and walked over to the bed, my fingers tracing over the elegant beading in the dress.

I let out a nervous breath before refocusing on what I had been doing before Teo knocked on the door.

Picking my phone up, I reopened the taxi app, entering in the address and selecting the cash option for payment.

Under the special notes window, I stated that I'd already be outside so there would be no need to approach the house.

After sending in the order, I shut the phone off, pulling the sim card out before walking back into the bathroom where I flushed it down the toilet.

Re-entering the bedroom, I zipped my jacket up, tucking my hair inside my hoodie.

I grabbed my keys and the small backpack from my bed, staring down at the gown one final time before I turned to head for the window.

I pulled the chair out from under the desk, stepping onto it as I unlocked the window. I winced to myself as it creaked a little when I pushed it open, and I held my breath until it was wide enough.

My heart thumped as I stood on the window sill, sitting down on it before I hopped onto the grass a few feet below me.

I froze in place after the drop, silently praying I hadn't been heard.

After a few seconds of stillness, I reached up, and shut the windows, wincing once again when it clicked closed.

I walked around the backside of the house, making sure to stay low every time I passed a window.

My heart was racing but my feet were moving faster than an Olympic runner's, and once I was out on the street, I sprinted like a maniac, not slowing down until I approached the main entrance.

The guard was standing at the gate and I made sure to keep my face hidden under my hoodie, tugging on it a little as I walked out of the pedestrian door.

I walked down the street a little, waiting on the curb for about a minute until I saw the headlights of the cab coming my way.

I waved and stepped out into the street, waiting as it slowed down and stopped in front of me.

The second I was in the car, the driver started the meter and looked back at me in the rearview mirror.

"Where to, Miss?"

"Sunny Coast University."

We pulled up to the dorm building and as the driver went to turn the meter off, I stopped him.

"Can you wait here for just a second? I've got one more stop tonight."

I could see him huff and roll his eyes, nodding and mumbling something about me hurrying up before I hopped out of the car, pulling my keys out as I ran to the front doors.

After making it to my old room, I turned the light on and sighed in relief, knowing that Michaela was more than likely at Jimmy's.

Knowing I was pressed for time, I ran over to my closet, reaching onto the top shelf and grabbing the bottom show box, nearly getting hit by the other two boxes that fell.

Taking the box I needed over to my bed I opened it and bit my lip, pulling off my backpack, filling it with the stacks of cash, the tips Teo had Skinny and Angel giving me.

After closing the stuffed backpack, I threw it back on, putting all of the shoes back on the shelf, closing the closet door.

I stepped back and nodded, knowing it looked like I had never been back.

I ran back out to the waiting cab, noticing the look of irritation on the driver's face.

That look was soon gone, replaced by surprise and a smile was on his face when I handed him three hundred dollars.

"And where are we off to next?"

After being dropped off at the bus station, I stepped inside and got in line, my eyes scanning the board for the earliest departure time.


I stepped forward to the teller counter, pulling my backpack in front of me, ready to pull out the cash I'd need.

"And where would you like to go this evening, Miss?"

My heart pounded and kinda hurt when I thought about Teo, but staying around wasn't an option.

I'd never be safe with him.

I discreetly pulled out a few hundred dollar bills, closing my backpack before flinging it back on.

"One way to Independence, Oregon, please."



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