*·˚ଘ nothing serious! yet

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"does it hurt? does it sting? does it feel uncomfortable? can you still see well? oh my god, is this why you fainted? that'd be a weird reason to faint though.. just because of- oh but then what other explanation is there.. still doesn't mean all of this makes sense.." izuku could've kept ranting but kai gripped his wrist and he instantly stopped talking. "izuku, deep breaths.." and izuku did exactly as kai said. 

"it's nothing serious, my eye just.. apparently changed colors-" kai stated in a very confused tone because he was indeed very confused. the white parts of his right eye were filled with the magenta shade while his iris was packed with izuku's green eye color. 

"is it because of me? is it because you're MY soulmate? being my soulmate has an effect? and this is it? or just one of the effects? what if being my soulmate will cause you more problems? what if something worse than this happens? and what if it happened while i'm not around again? what if you faint again and the reason is because of your right eye, which leads back to me being the source of the issue?" izuku's tone was panicky and then he suddenly covered his face with his hands and his head faced downwards. 

all kai could hear was the muffled mutters of "it's because of me it's because of me it's because of me" over and over. kai felt horrible that izuku thinks it's all his fault so he cupped izuku's face and told him, "DO NOT blame yourself. no one knew this could happen. besides, it's just eye colors. we live in a world where there are tons of mutated people, having multiple different eye colors isn't that big of a deal" 

"but you can't ignore the fact that it all goes back to the fact that we're soulmates. let's go back again to my previous thoughts, what if something severer happens? what if being soulmates with me will only cause you more trouble?" izuku couldn't look at his lover in the eye and kai took a deep breath as he let go of izuku's face. 

"no matter what other effects i will get from being your soulmate, that won't stop me from loving you. i know you were thinking that i would get tired of this and would leave you but no, i will never leave you for something like this. i don't care about those stupid potential effects. i'm fine, see? we're here, talking to each other and i am in great condition. so you have nothing to worry about" after his little reassurance speech kai smiled, which is a sight only izuku gets to witness. 

"you know me too well.. but i guess you are right" the greenette gave the love of his life a weak smile which soon turned into a genuine bright smile as he received a 'you can do better than that, give me that sunshine smile of yours' look from the brunette. the couple heard tiny knocks coming from the door and izuku semi-shouted, "come in!" 

the door opened to reveal eri with isuzu and kaiyo, holding their hands with her own. "eri? isuzu? kaiyo? why are you all awake at this hour? you should be asleep, darlings" izuku questioned and eri mumbled her response, "we.. all wanted to see how daddy is doing.." and then looked away, not wanting to make eye contact with her mom because she'll only feel more guilty about waking up when she should be sleeping. as soon as her gaze landed on a fully awake kai, her eyes lit up with joy. as much as she wanted to, she didn't run, she just jogged so the twins could keep up with her pace. 

once they reached the bed, the twins let go of eri's hands, having sensed that their big sister wants to do something and they need to let go of her hands. eri smiled at the two younger kids and immediately climbed on the bed and hugged kai. as kai and eri talked, mostly just eri expressing her concerns, the little twins just stood there, looking dumbfounded. izuku could feel their confusion so he went over and helped them get on the bed and positioned them in a safe spot where they won't fall. before going back to his seat, he whispered, "go hug your dad" into the twins' ears. 

the twins obeyed and crawled over to their dad. isuzu just hugged him with a blank face and didn't say anything, while kaiyo hugged him with an adorable closed-eye smile plastered on his face. izuku's lips couldn't help but crack a smile. the view of his family here together, seeing them all happy, just makes him feel so lucky to have them. 

"come here, mommy!" eri chimed, waving her hand in an inviting manner. she scooted a bit to make room for izuku. izuku's smile grew wider and he sat on the bed, being quickly tackled into a hug by his kids and boyfriend. 

༊.*・。゚ TIME SKIP (THE NEXT DAY) ༊.*・。゚


my eyes fluttered open and sunlight didn't waste it's time to be the first thing my eye catches. i properly opened up my eyes and saw eri, isuzu, and kaiyo all sleeping next to me. i smiled and carefully got out of bed so i don't wake the mini angels up. i checked the clock to see that it's 07:20. shit i should've been awake at 7 AM- 

i took a thorough shower and speedily put on my clothes. i walked down the halls and quietly opened the kitchen door. i saw MY angel, preparing breakfast. so i decided to sneak up on him and hug him from behind. "ah!- oh, good morning, love" izu spoke and tilted his head upwards. i took this as a chance to kiss him on the lips. it was a short kiss but i enjoyed it anyway. "good morning, angel, why didn't you wake me up?" i queried and he chuckled, "you looked so cute sleeping peacefully with the kids i couldn't bare to wake you up" 

"you took pictures didn't you?" i asked knowing damn well what the answer is. "of course~" he chirped and continued cooking breakfast. i then just realized that he had his UA uniform on. "going back already?" i inquired and he turned to face me. "the sports festival is tomorrow. so today is the day me, sho, neito, and chaco set things up at UA for the attack" he explained, giving me a kiss on the cheek before slipping out of my hug to arrange the food on the table. 

"i demand more kisses, i haven't seen you in about a week and now you're already running off again" i took his hand and twirled him around to face me again. "aww, miss me a lot, don't you? well, if more kisses is what you want, then more kisses is what you'll get, sir~" and with that, the small gap between our lips is gone. 



izuku opened the doors of class 1-A and inside there were only 2 people, and thankfully those 2 were his bestfriends, shoto and ochaco. the pink-cheeked girl whipped her head around towards the doors' direction with desperation written all over her face. her frown soon turned upside down when she realized it was the person she had been anxiously waiting for. "IZU-KUN!!" she shouted happily and ran to hug her green haired bestie. 

"we were so worried! and confused! mostly confused- but also concerned! you need to tell us everything! or at least the stuff you're willing to tell us" she exclaimed once she felt she has hugged izuku enough. "alright, alright, i will! relax" izuku laughed in amusement of his friend's behavior. "i spent the entire day thinking of what could've happened with you, you better give me a clear explanation" shoto 'threatened' in a joking way of course. 


(DISCONTINUED) you broke through my "special" condition ♡︎overdeku♡︎Where stories live. Discover now