miya o. | livin' the dream

Start from the beginning

y/n quickly found out just how much it sucked to walk on the infamous red carpet. she had never been the kind of person who enjoyed having her picture taken to begin with and now having about a hundred cameras on her, she knew that the majority of them were catching her bad angles. it also didn't help that the shouts of everyone in attendance were starting to overwhelm her. but just when she thought she was going to break down, she felt osamu's arm tighten around her waist as if he sensed her distress. y/n lifted her head to meet his cool gray eyes that were already locked on her and felt a wave of comfort wash over her. he pressed a kiss onto her forehead, ignoring everything around them, before finally stepping off the other end of the carpet.

the three miya's were quickly led to their table inside the grand venue that held that year's awards ceremony. hours seemed to pass as y/n sat quietly next to osamu with her hand in his, running her fingers in mindless patterns across his palm. they held their own little conversations to pass the time, only paying attention when they heard atsumu's categories being announced. and after most of their lives being surrounded by competition and volleyball, they couldn't help but shout like the sports fans they were when atsumu took home three of the four awards he was nominated for. neither y/n or osamu shied away from yelling their own versions of 'that's my brother/brother-in-law' when he was giving his thank you speeches while grinning at the mere thought of embarrassing him in front of so many celebrities.

by the end of the ceremony, atsumu was riding the familiar wave of victory and it continued when one of his friends said something about an after party at some other famous person's mansion. he didn't even get to open his mouth to ask when osamu turned down the invitation that was going to spill out of his lips. as much as he supported his brother, all osamu wanted to do at that moment was go home and one look at y/n told him she was thinking the exact same thing. so with one last congratulations and a reminder to contact them if he needed a ride home, osamu wrapped a strong arm around y/n's waist and led her out of the venue.

considering the night was still relatively young, the couple decided to stop by an old ramen house close to their neighborhood to pick up a late dinner. it was only around ten-thirty when they walked into the comfort of their home and made their way into their bathroom to shower and put some more comfortable clothes on. while y/n finished washing her face, osamu set up their meal on the small coffee table in their living room. he thought it was a good idea to relax in each other's company, watching a movie and eating their dinner before they turned in for the night. y/n smiled softly at the little set up when she finally did make her way out of their bedroom.

she wasn't wearing anything too different than what she typically wore but as usual, osamu thought she was the most beautiful person in the world. her old cotton shorts were slightly discolored and the shirt that he knew she got from his drawer hung loosely over her frame. it was a great difference compared to what she had been wearing only an hour prior and osamu had to admit that this was his favorite version of her. and the same applied to her. the sight of her husband, her osamu, sitting in front of the meal they were going to share waiting for her to join him made her heart flutter in her chest. not to mention the fact that he spent most of his time at home dressed in his old work out shorts and the occasional sweatshirt, mostly sticking to being shirtless around his own house.

at the sound of her growling stomach, y/n was pulled from her thoughts and swiftly made her way to osamu's side. he turned his head and smiled in her direction before picking up her bowl and handing it to her. she wasted no time in digging in, stuffing her mouth with steaming hot food. it wasn't until she resorted to blowing the steam out with the noodles still burning her tongue that she realized how badly she messed up. osamu let out a loud laugh at her ridiculous facial expressions, handing her a napkin to cover her mouth with before she spit the food all over the place. after that terrible mistake, y/n made sure to blow on her food carefully before taking more appropriate bites.

they finished eating almost halfway through the movie and once they cleaned up their makeshift dining area, y/n tucked herself underneath osamu's arm, resting her head against the soft skin of his shoulder. it was mostly silent as they sat there enjoying the warmth each of them provided until she felt osamu turn his head to place a soft kiss on her temple. y/n looked up to meet his gaze and smiled before placing her own kiss onto his sweet lips.

he smiled against her and muttered, "did i tell you how beautiful you looked tonight?"

"only about a hundred times," y/n laughed teasingly, running her fingers over the ridges of his biceps.

"well then i'm gonna say it a hundred and one times," he rested his forehead against hers, "you are so beautiful." and she knew at that moment that he wasn't just talking about how she looked in her dress earlier that night. the genuine look in his eyes and the soft caress of his fingertips against her jaw implied something far deeper than his words led on.

"thank you, 'samu. but as good as i might've looked, i don't think i'm cut out for that kind of life," letting out a deep sigh, she threw her legs over his own and cuddled into his strong chest.

"yeah, i can agree with that. i mean, i would much rather spend my time like this. watchin' movies and eating dinner in the living room, just the two of us." osamu placed a hand on her thigh, rubbing it with just the right amount of pressure. y/n moved her hand to cover his and laced her fingers with his.

"but maybe, being famous wouldn't be too bad if i had you by my side." she turned her attention back to the movie, making sure she maintained contact with him.

y/n realized that night that being a movie star probably wasn't as glamorous as the media made it out to be. she didn't enjoy the idea of the world knowing everything about her personal life, or making sure to keep up appearances to please others, or even having to go to those stupid awards ceremonies that made her admire atsumu in a whole new light. sure it wasn't easy and for most people that was the dream life, but she already had everything she could've ever dreamed of. her job, while sometimes emotionally draining, was everything she worked so hard for and she loved being able to help people day in and day out. she had a roof over her head, a bed to sleep on, and clothes on her back. but most of all, she had osamu. the man who supported her every dream. who made her laugh when she was down. who she confided in when something was on her mind. who was her best friend before anything else. miya osamu, her husband who showed her what it meant to love unconditionally. he was her every dream and desire and as long as he was by her side, she couldn't ask for anything better.

i finally did it, say good job to me! nah i'm just kidding but seriously i am so glad i was somehow able to get this one done. i hope you guys enjoy, especially after that kinda long slump of mine :)

p.s. i am down bad for the miya twins, specifically atsumu. someone help please.

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