As we continued to talk, he introduced me to some of his friends that were also fairies along with a few witches and wolves. It was more enjoyable than I thought, I was able to learn about each kingdom a bit more such as that fact that surprised me the most is that not all humans are treated terribly. Most humans are not threatening so there wasn't a real desire for violence... but very rarely do we get such kindness.

I watched from a distance as the supernatural creatures such as werewolves began to claim their mates.... Along with rejecting them. I turned to see Grace in the arms of a werewolf. "Elaine, I have someone I would like for you to meet," she said as I smiled

"This is James he's a Gamma in the... umm what was the name again" she shyly turned towards him and said as she blushed. "In the Winter Moon Pack," he said as he held her tightly. "I'm very happy for you," I said as I felt her excitement and pure happiness wave off her. I hope he treats her well, I said to myself. Although humans are considered insignificant it's quite common for humans and the supernatural to be mated together, in most cases it turns out ok for the humans but in some cases, the human would take their own life or be brutally murdered by their mate.

"Greetings Everyone, we welcome you, our King his highness would like to say a few words." The man said as everyone clapped and cheered. "Welcome everyone, thank you for attending this evening's event, I do hope you find our kingdom to be ravishing" the king's voice sent shivers down my spine as his crimson red eyes gleamed towards me. I felt my body become cold as I slowly became more nauseous.

I quickly tried to hide through the crowd only to be led outside my jaw dropped once again as I saw as though the night was lit up with floating glowing lights used from the magic of the pixies, I heard giggling as I gasped seeing them fly past me, they were small but magnificent. "Hello human" I gasped as I turned to see a beautiful woman, "h-hello"

She giggled as she walked around me in a circle. "W-what are you doing?" I ask as she touches my hair. "Well, I've never seen a human before... well a live one at least" I freeze... "Does your hair sparkle in the water?" she questions as I giggle nervously "no it doesn't" I say while smiling at her. "If I may ask, umm... what are you?" I ask as she lets out another giggle. "I'm a mermaid"

We continue to talk I've learned her name is Clarissa along with a few other things about her kingdom. Since humans can't be in their underwater kingdom alone, we know practically nothing, she began to tell me how mermaids can breathe both air and water, and how when they dive into the water, they don't instantly turn into mermaids they can change at will.

"So, your hair sparkles underwater?" we both giggle at my question. Someone interrupts by clearing their throat, as I turn my body stiffens and goes pale. "Your highness" Clarissa smiles as she bows gently from respect "Hello princess, I do hope you don't mind me borrowing this human.... Please do give my regards to the king for me," he said as Clarissa bowed slightly once again before giving me a sad smile before gracefully leaving.

My breath hitches as I feel him run his hands through my hair. I freeze at his sudden shift as his eyes move from my face to my neck "Interesting" he said as he moved his fingers towards my necklace only for a second for his finger to touch it. I violently moved back as I held my necklace in my hand. he glared at his finger then back to me. "Where... did you get... that beautiful necklace?" he said as he paused slightly. "I-its mine... I had it when I was born... your Highness."

He smirked as he walked around me. Within seconds I gasped as I felt a cut on my cheek my eyes widened as my blood was now on hid fingertip my face runs pale as I watch him slowly bring the blood to his lips. My eyes widened in fear as his eyes began to glow a terrifying deep dark crimson colour. My hands immediately held the cheek gently as I felt a sting-like feeling begin to build up. My heart begins to hammer against my chest surely, he could hear it which caused him to smirk.

"Interesting.... very interesting" he then let out a dark chuckle. "What is your name my little beloved," he said as his eyes lingered along my body with deep lust... wait beloved? "M-my name is Elaine," I said softly. My breath hitched as I feel him grab my wrist causing me to wince as I desperately tried to escape his grip.

He grinned at my reaction, like a feather he pulled my body close to his as he snaked his hand around my waist. "P-please stop I'm not your beloved" I cry out as the guests' eyes widen at the news that the king has found his beloved. "But indeed, you are, and we are to be bound together for eternity my sweet Elaine" my name rolled off his tongue as I felt my stomach drop and my eyes widen.... This can't be.... "For eternity" he whispers as he kisses my neck.... H-he's about to drink my blood! I scream as I cry thrashing in his stone-like grip.

Suddenly Guards began to run outside towards us to protect their king as people scattered screaming the words that sent shivers down my spine Beast! It's the Beast RUN!... Without notice, I feel sharp fangs pierce my skin as a rippling scream is torn through me. The King only got one gulp of my blood as he's pushed back by the guards in protection. I grab my neck seeing blood on my hands. I look back at the King to see his eyes glowing a hunger and lust.

"ELAINE" I hear the vicious roar of the vampire king. I let out a gasp as I begin to run through the frantic crowd just to get away from the king. I screamed once more as I saw a human ripped in half for getting in the way of the running crowd I began to shake violently as I cried desperate to escape, I turn to see werewolves transforming and witches powering up, those who had mates or beloveds began to protect them in fear for their safety....

I'm going to die....

I quickly take my chance and run from the side door of the castle into the garden. I see fear in the eyes of people as they fall to the ground from a sudden gash of wind, I feel a hot presence behind me as I turn slowly to see....

"THE BEAST!!!" the people scream as another growl is rippled through the air....

I begin to feel dizzy I looked around as all the fairies began to sore and the witches casting spells to teleport them to safe areas, the beauty of the enchanted masquerade ball began to fade leaving fear, blood, and the screams of people.

Falling to the floor my head continued to spin. Oh, not now Elaine...

I see the world around me begin to blur...

Desperately trying to open my eyes I see the eyes of the one person I did not fear. I feel myself begin to fall but the pain never comes. I feel the warmth as I find myself in the arms of the... Beast

The Beast... I gently place my hand cupping the side of his face only to realize my blood now stained his gentle skin. His eyes instantly changed from a dark black colour to a gentle emerald colour. My hand falls to my body as I hear a rippling growl... then the world around me goes black.

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