Chapter 7

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Shortly after we go there we here escorted to the Hermes cabin and settled in. I went outside to my old friends Luke, Silena, and Charles. We did a group hug as we went to the forest for today's capture the flag. it was Athena, Demeter, Dionysus, and Ares cabin were in red team while Hermes, Hephastes, Aphrodite, and Apollo cabins were in blue team. 

We decided on a plan after deciding for 15 minutes. The Hephastes cabin-mates would lay out traps around our side while apollo campers were scattered around the trees and behind the flag was our little healing set up we would put. Half of the Hermes campers were defensive, and 5 of Hephastes's Spawns were onboard patrol to make sure no one rushes from the middle, but if they did they would run into a trap. Aphrodite people decided to aid defense while the other half of Hermes cabin was on offense but we gave up Peter to make things "Fair".

After the conch horn sounded it went time, we all stationed out selves and we charged. not too soon we were caught by the Dionysus campers who we slashed and hacked but did not kill. but as we came closer we were ambushed by around 7 monsters, 7 Laistrygonians,

"I'll take care of them, you guys go ahead", I said. none of them Budged.

I charged at him when they started shooting rocks at me I dodged a few and one hit my sword but got absorbed. they were giving me no breathing room throwing rocks which I dodged with ease.

"My turn", I said. I summoned aquatic fire onto my sword as the surrounded me. but I noticed that half the Hermes camper turned into people from Athena and Ares campers. I slashed the first one with Tetris and stabbed another I summoned fire to burn one up as one tried to smack me but I summoned the earth to create a wall behind him which got destroyed (As the son of Chaos Percy gets control over all the elements and can create things out of thin air)  I Then summoned swords and shields willing them to block and hit and in a matter of seconds I was surrounded by sulfur. As I looked around people were staring at him in awe but not at him, but above him. He looked up to see a planet with space around it in a crest. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2022 ⏰

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