Chapter 5

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Nightmares. I still remember the day the gods banished me. Not a day goes by when I don't think about them. I swear when I get my hands on Jack Forrester...

"Percy, Wake up!" Bianca yells from the kitchen. I jerk up, I am happy. Shortly after we killed Perses, I and Bianca are in a loving relationship. We have each other, that's all we need. I usually work on the farm, I cleared out a plot of land, built a wall around it, and used it to farm. We often grew wheat, barley, grains, different types of vegetables, and eventually, I got into Drakon hunting as well. Bianca usually cooks and hunts alongside me, and we both have fun doing it. It felt like paradise. Once in a while, a Titan, Monster, or creature encounters us, but I have fully mastered all my abilities. Well, I could still practice, but for now, my skills were enough to beat a Titan with some ease.

Over the years, I fought the Minotaur more times than I can count, that guy just never learns, Medusa again, Krios, Perses (again), countless hellhounds, Drakons, empusai, etc. Kampe took us as a challenge and tried to kill us multiple times, didn't work out well. For her, I mean. One time, Kelly the empusai tried to flirt, and Bianca shot her ankles. It was really funny.

However, over time I noticed something. Bianca started aging. She grew older and older. I was immortal, I would simply outlive Bianca. I did not know what to do. She was my only light in this pit. We talked about this and we decided to not have children. We can't have a child grow up in this place, and I would outlive them as well. I always wanted children, but I understood. I can't sentence a child to this fate like the gods did to me.

I was sad to learn that when Bianca died her immortality from the hunters was gone. She was going to grow old, and I had to accept it.

I decided to savor the moments we had together, she was still 19, in her prime, so we made the best of it. It was probably the best moment of my life with her in the pit. It didn't matter that she outgrew me, I still loved her the same, it never wavered. But I knew this wouldn't last forever. The fates are cruel. One day, I would have to move on, be alone again in this world. What a fool I was to think I could get a good ending.

70 years later aka 2 years on Earth

I was still 17, looking as young as ever. Bianca however, was a different story. She was an old, frail woman. She was about 99. And about to reach 100. I was told by a fire spirit that she will die in a century. I held her hand as she was breathing slowly. You see, we fought endless amounts of monsters, more than Athena could count. As years turned into decades, she got weaker, I did all our jobs. She was happy, I was happy with her. We still loved each other deeply. I wasn't ready yet. When she reached her 80s, I started to use my healing powers to save her from strokes or heart attacks, but healing only goes on for so long.

"Percy," she said weakly sitting in an old wooden chair.

"Yes?" I answered with tears in my eyes.

"I know that this is the end for me. I want to thank you for the fun, the adventure, the kindness you have shown me. Without you, I would still be rotting in a cell." She smiled sadly.

"But I'm n...not ready yet" I stuttered, almost pleading.

Bianca chuckled weakly "Of course you are. I believe in you, always have. But Percy, promise me, do not hang on to my death forever. Move on, and don't you dare forget about me. Don't lose yourself."

"I know." I gave a depressing laugh.

Bianca lay down for the last time, and with her final breath, she spoke "Goodbye Percy, I will always be here, with you." her eyes slowly descended.

I check for a pulse. Nothing. I cry, letting it all out. Damn the gods, why must I suffer more? I don't know what to do anymore. There is nothing left for me anymore. I would kill myself, but that's not what Bianca would want. Suddenly, her body glows in bright light. I see a person appear in front of me.

"Interesting" he spoke.

"W-who are you?" I weep.

He places a hand on my back, "I mean no harm, but I am Chaos."

I look up, and his body is made out of space, stars, and suns all around him. I am amazed but too sad to say it.

"Um...Hi," I replied shocked.

Chaos lets out a small giggle "One with words I see. But Percy Jackson, I have watched you for a long time, seen your actions, betrayals, heartbreaks, everything. A hero does not deserve this, to outlive their wife forever. This is the first time I have seen a demigod fall in love in Tartarus, with such a sad ending."

I sigh, "I know."

"I wanted you to have a gift. Stand still" commands Chaos.

I stand still and I see Bianca's body glow brighter, eventually, her whole body turns into a ball of energy. Before I can react, the ball infuses with my chest, and I feel stronger and....happier.

"I have given you Bianca's soul. Her physical form is no longer, but she will always be with you. She is now within you, she will watch everything you do, unless she doesn't want to, but know she is in paradise and can observe you anytime. Her energy is given to you.

I raise my sleeve and see a marking, a girl with a bow. I smile. " Thank you Chaos, I mean it. She meant so much to me."

Chaos smiles "Percy I have watched you since you have defeated the Minotaur with your bare hands which is not an easy feat when you had no battle experience. I have seen the pain, the betrayal, and the fact that the gods have sent you to Tartarus and made you immortal was cruel. So I am offering you a chance you will relive your life but as a son of Chaos, Bianca will remember you and you will have the chance to save her. So what will it be".

At first, I was shocked but I wanted to do it, for Bianca, "Yes".

Chaos looked at me with respect and shot a beam at me, and after about 6 minutes I looked different. My sea-green eyes were now like a void with specks of white and swirls to make it look like outer space. My hair was now neatly combed in one was and the tips were purple. I was taller and was much stronger with 8- packs. I was Now a son of Chaos.

But then Apollo, Artemis, Hades Hestia, Hermes, Hephaestes, and Aphrodite appeared.

They also zapped me for another 36 minutes till I radiated so much power that they took a step back.

"Percy, is it ok for these gods to keep their memories after changing the world?"

"yes" I said.

Chaos looked at me. "You ready, son".

I smiled, "As ready as I've ever been".

He snapped his finger as we descended into the void.

Shout out to AdventCourier

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