"How did you and your husband meet?" Lauren asks. Ella smiles, tucking a piece of her red hair face.

"I was hired by him to be the new sous chef here when he first bought the place. Six years and four kids later we are still going good so that's something."

"Four kids?" I ask, "Sheesh."

"Yep. All under six."

"Was it love at first sight?" Lauren asks.

"Oh grief." I sigh. Ella just smiles and looks down.

"For me, yes. I came here for lunch, saw him and fell head over heels. I had a thing for dark men and they were hard to find in the middle of Tasmania. I then saw a job going here and was curious. Didn't know he was going to be interviewing or that he was the boss but I was hooked. He was already in a relationship at that time though, so I had to wait...not long mind you." she grins. This is when the man himself comes back and throws a C.V on the table.

"Aaron Stewart, thirty-two. Trained in good restaurants but had to bow out when something happened with his wife and he's had to take over. Quiet, serious type but friendly enough. If he doesn't work out, give us a call and well have another dig through."

"Thank you. We really appreciate this."

"No problem." Tulla smiles openly.

The visit was finished soon after as the two of them had to pick up their kids but they've asked us to come in any time. Tulla knows Tasmania's food like the back of his hand so we were invited to use him as a research source if needed. An offer I may take up as they're both very enthusiastic and easy to talk to.

By the time I've finished up at the Kingston, chatted it all over with the girls, dropped Lauren off, chatted to her mother again and bought home doughnuts for the boys to eat, its four o'clock in the afternoon.

As I dial the number of the chef on the phone, I check my e-mails.


I can't sleep. Found a chef yet?

From Me."


"Miles. What's your number? I demand to have it!"

"Aaron here." A rather preoccupied voice calls into the phone. In the background I can here chattering of kids and the clanging of things. I decide to get straight to the point.

"Hello Aaron. This is Nina Merelize. I hear you were looking for work. Is this still true?"

"Uhhhh, yes. I can't work nights though."

"That's fine. It's why I've called. You were recommended by Tulla and Ella at the Kingston. We need a chef relatively fast...a good one. Have you heard of the Oxford Food Garden?"

"Yes. In Sandy Bay?" he asks.

"That's the one. I'm one of the new owners. Sound interested?"

"Ummm, yeah, maybe..."

"When are you free to talk?"

"Um..." he laughs a little as I hear a child scream in the background. "Sorry. Kids back from school and they're tetchy."

"Okay, well, if you're not doing anything now; there are people here who could baby sit while we talk, if not today then maybe..."

"Today is good...um...half an hour?"

"Good." I smile excitedly.

After giving Aaron the address, I look at the email from Miles declaring he's scared, then giving up his number.

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