Done and Dairy

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Finally, spring break. The week every student has been looking forward to since the start of march. And what can I spend this delightful week doing? 

Working. I can spend it working. 

Even though spring break is meant for vacation and relaxing, my boss insists that I don't take vacation leave. 'We're short-staffed anyway. We need the employees. After all, people love ice cream, especially when they can get it in the middle of a weekday. You'll survive working a little overtime.' That's what he said when I had asked. 

Talk about a buzzkill. I was going to spend the week watching Netflix and stuffing my face with popcorn. But no, my boss has different ideas. And I can't even quit since it was my parents who got me this job. 

'It'll be an experience.' they said. 'You can bring back ice cream for all of us!' they said. I don't even like ice cream. 

But here I am, working at an ice cream store on a beautiful Monday morning. A morning I could have spent sleeping in. Instead, I am serving needy customers and impatient toddlers ice cream. 

As if my day couldn't get any worse, my crush, Luke Watessek, has just walked up to the counter. To my register.

"Hey Casey, I didn't know you worked here!" he said.

"Oh, hey Luke! I didn't expect to see you here." I replied. 

What I said is true. I did not expect to see him here. I would have worn something more than a grey sweatshirt and jeans if I was expecting him. 

It's embarrassing how you could see so clearly how hard I was trying to look cool and make small talk. My face was hot, and I think I was blushing hard.

"I normally come here on the weekends, but since it is spring break, I thought I would come by a little earlier," he said.

"Oh, then it makes sense why I never see you. I normally work in the afternoon on weekdays. Anyway, what would you like to order?"

"A small vanilla in a cup, please. Thank you!" he said with the cutest voice I could've imagined. I think I am becoming a simp.

While I scooped up the ice cream and stuffed it into the cup, I could only think of one thing.

Do. Not. Screw. This. Up.

Yet in good old-fashioned Casey style, my dull brown hair kept getting in my face, and I had kept dropping the scoops. I had to repeatedly pick it up again and again. Poor guy was just staring at me mess up. He had his cash ready to pay and everything. When I finally gave him his vanilla, I took his cash and counted it. 

He went and sat down at the table. Except there was a small problem. The ice cream was $5, but he gave me a ten-dollar bill. I was about to give him his change, but he had already gone to sit down. 

Did he accidentally take out a ten instead of a five? Did he mean to tip the extra five dollars? Then why didn't he tell me? Does this happen when he normally comes here? What the hell am I supposed to do? Do I walk up to him and hand it to him? Maybe I should just keep it and pretend he gave me the right amount. 

But my best friend, Lily, was always urging me to talk to him instead of staring at him. Technically, him placing his order counts as talking, right? I'm sure she would be proud I did just that.

After contemplating what I should do, I decided to give him his change. I just have to go over there and hand him his $5. It can't be that hard! 

With the money in hand, I slowly walk over to his table. Trying to stall time while also trying not to make it look too obvious.

Finally, I reach his table and he stares up at me questioningly. In a state of panic, I slap the dollar on the table in front of his ice cream.

"You gave me $10 instead of 5$, but you walked off before I could give you your change!" I yelled and then sprinted off. This caused the whole room to turn their heads towards me. 

I rushed towards the back counter in total embarrassment. After a few minutes, my co-worker, Stella, came up to me.

"You need to get back to work. We have customers to serve," she said before walking off. 

I swear she never lets me have a break. She always bosses me around. She would be an even worse boss than my actual boss.

I ambled to my register. Examining the room for any staring heads. I glanced towards Luke. He had paid no mind to my return and was sitting there enjoying his ice cream. The five dollars were nowhere in sight.

Gosh, the way he scooped up the ice cream, carefully put the spoon in his mouth, then licked his lips to make sure there wasn't any on his mouth was enticing. I had picked up on a mannerism while always staring at him in the cafeteria. His dirty blonde hair was messy, unlike his usual gelled hair. Every time he would take a bite, his big, brown eyes would light up and sparkle. The fact that I notice all this from staring at him is very creepy and kind of scares me. 

I had two options. Go up to him and apologize or coward behind the counter and continue serving customers as normal. 

Of course, life isn't easy. It turns out he was finished with his ice cream, and he had just got up to throw away his trash. 

I assumed he was just going to leave, but instead he walks up to me. 

"Hey, thanks for the ice cream. And sorry about the money. I hadn't realized I gave you a ten instead of a five." Oh my gosh, he's apologizing. What do I do?!

"Uh- it's fine! It's kind of my job, y'know?" I mentally slapped myself in the face.

"Are you doing anything this spring break? There's this restaurant that's opening up, and I need someone to go with me." 

Wait. Was he asking me on a date? No way. This is too sudden. This has to be a dream.

"S-sure! I'm free. I'd love to go with you!" Oh jeez, I sound desperate.

"Great, here's my number. I'll text you the details." he hands me a piece of paper and I write down mine on a business card. He walks out of the store.

"Would you stop flirting with the customers and start serving them?" Stella snapped.

But I didn't want to work. I had more important stuff to figure out. Like what I'm going to wear, and what I'm going to say.  

I heard a ding from my phone. 

Can't wait to see you 

3:14 PM

Suddenly, I felt a little more relaxed. 

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