Chapter 16, Underground.

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6:00 AM

"I'm staying", Gregory said and he looked at you. You thought for a second before saying, "Me too". "You are staying? I am glad. Here. I found this Party Pass. There are areas we have not investigated", Freddy chirped as he showed you a Party Pass, Gregory took it before Freddy continued, "Lead the way, superstars".

"Okay, let's go find the camera in Monty Golf now", you suggested. Gregory nodded and you climbed into Freddy's bag as Gregory got into his stomach hatch. You didn't close the bag and peeked your head out to see where Freddy was going, there were no animatronics around anyway. Freddy walked upstairs into the elevator. Gregory got out to press the button and the elevator door closed behind you.

The elevator stopped and Gregory got back into Freddy's chest cavity and he started moving again. You closed the bag and waited until you could get out again. Freddy stopped and you heard Gregory get out so you opened the bag again and also got out. In front of you was another Party bot. It was blocking the elevator so Gregory pulled the Party Pass out of his pocket and gave it to the bot. It did a little dance and disappeared.

You and Gregory walked into the elevator and you heard Monty's voice through the speakers, "Welcome to Monty's Gator Golf – home of the Hurricane Hole-in-One! We're currently closed for the night. Come back soon!". As Monty spoke, Gregory started the elevator and you looked around it. This elevator had vines hanging on the walls next to some Gator Golf posters. Then Freddy started speaking through the Fazwatch, "Look for the Security Office in the back hallway. Since there is no flash photography allowed in Monty Golf, Faz Cams are often confiscated here. Mainly because they are only sold in Monty Golf. It is a very clever marketing plan".

You yawned as the elevator stopped, despite the Fizzy Faz you drank before, it was 6 am and you were very tired. That didn't keep you from going on though, and you and Gregory stepped out of the elevator. The golfing area was decorated with mainly green colored stuff, there were lots of plants and vines on the walls and it was pretty dark. Despite that, it was very loud, there was music playing through the speakers and you could hear a fake alligator making growling noises in the water.

You stayed close to Gregory and followed him into the gift shop. After looking around it you found nothing useful, no Faz Cams. The two of you continued further and went downstairs. In one of the restrooms, you found a security door. Behind it there was a hallway that just led to another golf course. Before you could continue into the hall, you saw a staff bot coming right at you and you quickly stepped back. The bot went by an you and Gregory ran to the course.

Behind the 11th golf level you found another security door. You and Gregory quickly ran towards it and walked in. Then you heard Freddy talk through the watch, "The security office is nearby. You might want to look around the office and see if there is a way to stop Monty from hunting you". Then Gregory whispered to you, "We can take his claws".

You walked into the dark room after letting the staff bot pass by. On the desk in the middle of the room you saw a gift box and you ran to open it. In it you found a Flashlight Battery Upgrade. You and Gregory ran out of the room through the next security door and found another hallway. You both walked into the next doorway and there you found the Security Office. Just when you both got inside, Freddy shouted through the Fazwatch, "Gregory, (Y/N)! They know you are here. Get the security upgrade and get out!". Then you heard an alarm.

You quickly went over to the desk and got the security badge. Meanwhile Gregory opened the box in the back of the room and you heard Freddy say, "You found the Mazercise ticket! Now you can enter Mazercise". On the chair next to you you saw yet another gift box. You opened it and inside you found two cameras. "What's this? It looks like some old cameras", you said. "That is a Faz Cam. If you are in trouble, use the camera flash to stun other animatronics. Keep in mind that it will not work on Monty, due to his sunglasses", Freddy explained. The last thing you found in the office was a note. It read, "BEHIND THE MAZE- MAINTENANCE REPORT – I still can't find what is making all the clanging noise in the AC system. This is the fifth visit this week. If I could reach that stupid vent behind the exercise maze room, I could get to the catwalks over Gator Golf and take a look. Maybe someone who works in Mazercise knows how".

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