Voldemort.... alive? Jeez, stay dead will ya?

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(Jazlyn's POV)

We reached Shanghai and I saw my dad and James and Albus' dad there as well. They had their arms folded and were frowning. Ohhhh shit. We were in deep trouble. We quickly hid before they could see us. 

"Who gave us away?" James asked, pointing a wand to all 3 of us. We all shrugged and he sighed, pulling it away. I decided to just approach my dad. 

"Hello darling. Where have you been?" he asked calmly. Inside of me was gaping at him, but I knew how to keep my cool. 

"Oh, just Flooing around the world. Nothing much dad." I said. 

"YOU DID WHAT?! DO YOU KNOW HOW DANGEROUS THIS IS? REUNITING THE OBJECTS OF THE HOUSES IS SO STUPID! WHAT WERE YOU THINKING? I-" Dad said, yelling at me loosing his cool, till a knife came towards him. He yelped and I saw a few strands of his platinum blonde hair fall off. 

"OI! That took hours of making it gelled in place!" he said, angrily shaking his fist at the masked person in black. Whoever it was, quickly escaped and jumped off the roof that they were standing on. 

"GET HER!" James roared, and we all started running. But before we could, Mr. Potter put a spell on all four of us. 

"Chill guys, we don't know who he or she is yet. When the time comes, we will catch them. But for now... you need to put the objects back. Now." he said in a stern voice. I couldn't move anything but my eyes. I looked towards my dad and gave him my, "What the fuck?" eyes. He shrugged and I rolled my eyes.

"Don't get sassy on my missy. You're in serious trouble." he said. I rolled my eyes again, and he scoffed. 

"By the ways... I'm dating Hermoine Granger." Dad said. Mr. Potter released us from the spell and I fell on my butt. 

"....WHAT THE FUCK? A WARNING MAYBE?" I yelled at him. He laughed and I saw his head throw back in laughter. 

"Well, that got your attention. I'm not, she's married to Weasley." he said. 

"Well, I heard that you were a ferret once. I could do that again!" I said, and before he could say something, I casted the spell and he turned into a white ferret. Aww he was so cute! I pulled out my phone and snapped a pic. I also saw Mr. Potter laughing. I decided to turn him back and he stared at me, grumpy. 

"That was not funny Jaz. Not funny at all." he said, folding his hands and pouted at me. 

"Sure it wasn't Draco Ferret." I said, and James started laughing. I put out a hand to help him get up and he pulled me down. 

"Jazlyn Ferret." he said, sticking his tounge out. I stuck mine out as well. 

"Guys, grow up! We've got objects to find-I mean return!" Fred said, winking at us. We all nodded and before we could do anything, I casted an advanced spell that made Dad and Mr. Potter go back to London. We quickly ran into the building on where Ravenclaw's diadem was and we did this super fast. Fred led us to the crown and I pulled out the other objects. I handed each one to their respected owner, but nothing happened. 

"Wait! We're supposed to do this... IN HOGWARTS! GO, GO, GO!" Albus said, and we ran to the nearest Floo station. We made it to the Gryffindor common room and we all felt a tug towards Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. When we got flushed down into it, there was a mysterious room. There was a stand and it had a case in it. We put each object in it's respected spot and then the case started turning. It kept turning and turning till it was really fast and it was like a blinding light. Because I was blinded I looked away and I saw a flash of black flying in and kicking the case over. Whoever it was, picked up all of the objects and opened hole in the ground and jumped in. He or she, closed the hole and he or she was gone. 

We failed our mission.

(Bethany's POV)

I kicked the glowing case and snatched all of the founder's objects. The book said that it was essential for raising Voldemort. I ran out and opened a portal to Voldemort's grave. (A/N I know, this isn't how you raise Voldemort, but this is essential for the plot line :0) I had a stand there and some of my blood. I dug up Voldemort's dad's grave, I took a strand of his hair and put it on top of the items that I had. I started chanting in Latin, and I was raising Voldemort all over again. I waited a few seconds till I saw a hand raise up. It climbed up and I saw a rather young version of Voldemort. 

"Are you the person who raised me?" he asked. I nodded and he put a hand under my chin. 

"Thank you very much love. Now, would you like to help me in taking over the world?" he asked. I nodded, and he said, "Then be my queen. I know that we will be more successful than I was now that I'm with you." And then he kissed me on the lips. I kissed back and it was a full make out session. I pulled away to take a breather and then pressed the dark mark tattoo on his arm. It summoned all of the death eaters, but the ones who broke out of jail were free. I saw Bellatrix Lestrange come here, Lucius Malfoy, Igor, and many other. Voldemort raised his hands in front of him.

"EVERYONE! TODAY IS THE DAY THAT THIS WOMAN HERE, BETHANY IS NOW MY GIRLFRIEND. WE WILL RULE OVER THE WORLD TOGETHER AND IF YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH HER THAN I WON'T HESITATE IN KILLING YOU. RESPECT HER THE WAY YOU RESPECT ME, AND WE WON'T HAVE A PROBLEM. Understood?" He asked. I wrapped an arm around his waist and kissed his temple. All of the death eaters nodded and traveled away. Time to spread chaos. 

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