You are so grounded

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(Jazlyn's POV)

"YOU DID WHAT?!" Rupert and Daniel said at the same time.

"Well, it was all a matter of self defense." I said, reasoning with them.

Daniel sighed, "Well, if it's like that, then I find no reason for you to be guilty. C'mon, let's get this show started."

We headed to the room where they would do the filming and the party and all that stuff. It was funny how all my life, I had been trying to avoid camera's and now, I was practically the spotlight of it. There were tables, everywhere and old people seated at them. I don't see any kids my age. Or any kid, for that matter. When Daniel, Rupert, Emma, Dad, and I entered everyone stopped what they were doing and started to cheer. It was nice. The feeling of someone cheering you on. 

When the cheering died, Oliver and James Phelps approached me. 

"'Ello, I've never seen you around." James, or was it Oliver said. 

"Oh, I'm Jazlyn Pintar, I mean Felton. If your wondering, I am not Tom's biological daughter, I'm just adopted." I said, answering the twins.

"Well, nice to meet you. I'm pretty sure you know who we are." Oliver said. I finally got it. Oliver had long hair, and James had short hair. Clever.

"So... any hobbies?" James asked.

"Yeah, I like to paint, prank, and parkour." I said, giving them an honest answer.

"Really? We like to paint and parkour. Pranking... well, that was in our youth, wasn't it, Jamesy?" Oliver said.

"Yeah, the three P's of our life out of acting. Paint, prank, and parkour." James said.

Before I could say anything, there was an explosion, and a woosh. Everything started to shift and turn, and there was a room, full of wizards, just like in Harry Potter.

"Harry Potter has come back! I knew that Mr. Potter wouldn't abandon Dobby." A high pitched voice said. Wait, Dobby? Wasn't Dobby dead?

"Hey... nice to see you Dobby." Daniel said.

I was really confused right now and I held up a T sign. 

"Woah, woah, woah, woah. Hold up. You never told me that Harry Potter was real?" I said, saying it to anyone who would listen.

"As a matter of fact, it is. We'll tell you the story." James said.

I nodded, telling them to go on.

"Well, when the Muggles were filming us, they came across Hogwarts. They meant no harm, but when Muggles started dying, thanks to You-Know-Who, they started calling it the Spanish Flu, when really, it was You-Know-Who killing the Muggles." James started.

"So, we went into hiding, and it has been 20 years since we've met and we decided to group back together. Those camera people are Squibs. They're not Muggles. And our real names aren't James and Oliver Phelps. We just came up with it. Nobody died during the war, except the Muggles. And, You-Know-Who, of course. We finally got rid of him and his little group of Death Eaters. We lived in the Muggle world for 20 years trying to build up the walls of the illusion that Dumbledoor set. All of our houses are positioned around Hogwarts. The Squibs enrolled us into becoming famous actors, and that's what we have been doing for 20 years. There was a prophecy that a child of Malfoy would protect Hogwarts and the wizarding world, and become the next great wizard of all time. Now that Draco's adopted you, you are the next great wizard. Your parents were the greatest wizards of our age, until they died. But it was to protect you." Oliver said, out of breath.

I took it in, and my brain started to process what had been said. All of their apperances changed. James and Oliver, I mean, Fred and George were now redheads instead of brunetts, and Dad was now a blonde. I sucked in a breath and said, "So... do I use a wand or..." 

"Oh, yeah. I forgot! You don't need a wand, because your parents have already trained you. You just need to look inside your memory. Find what you've been taught and use it. Because your 16, you would be in 5th year." James said. 

"Ok... so when do I start school?" I asked.

"Tomorrow." They said, at the same time. 

"Well, I'm in deep shit." I said.

"YOUR GROUNDED!" Dad said, walking towards me.

"But Dad, you cuss too." I said, whining.

He sighed. "Yes, I do. I know I'm a bad example, but try not to cuss at school."

"Am I still grounded?" I asked.

"No, because I could never ask for a better daughter." he said, pulling me in for a hug. 

And that's how we stayed for a whole 10 minutes.

~The next day at Malfoy Manor~

"Wake up! You have school today!" Dad said.

"Ughh, 5 more minutes please...." I whined.

"No, you have to shower and we have to apparte. Have you searched in you memory how to do magic?" he asked.

"Yeah, it all came to me last night. I couldn't sleep." I said, about to close my eyes.

"Go shower and brush you teeth. Just wear something you would wear when we were in the muggle world." he said.

"Yeah, yeah. I'll go." I said.

I stepped into the shower and turned on the cold water, make me fully awake. I got out of the shower and did my hair into a half up half down crown braid. I don't know why, but I'm obsessed with it. It's so cute and chic.

I pulled on a ACDC shirt and a black sweater that had neon graffiti words I painted on there. I also put on black leggings and my black high tops. 

"DONE!" I said.

"Ok, let's apparte. Everything else you need is in a trunk that Dobby helped prepare for you. When McGonagall puts you in your house your robes will change that color. I know in the books and movies that I was a blood supremist, but I'm not now. I've changed, and I don't care whether your in Slytherin, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, or Ravenclaw, because you are perfect just the way you are." he said.

I took it in, soaking all his words. "Ok, let's go." 

We apparted to an office that had a old looking woman there.

"Hello Professor, Jazlyn's here." Dad said.

"Oh, hello! I'm Professor McGonagall, and I'm the Headmistress here. It is so nice to finally meet you darling. Come, come let's go to the Great Hall. All the first years will be sorted, but you will be called last. Please follow me." McGonagall said.

I followed her and hugged my Dad one last time. "Bye Dad, I love you."

"I love you more" Dad said.

"I love you most."

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