Next stop... Canada

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(Jazlyn's POV)

We used Floo Powder to travel to Canada. I felt the sudden chill of snow and I pulled out my coat that I packed in my bag. Oh thank Merlin that there was such thing as an extendable charm. I put it over me, instantly making me warm. James, Fred and Albus soon came out. I currently had the goblet of Hufflepuff because I was the only one who was smart enough to bring a bag. 

"Why is it so bloody cold? Does anyone have a coat?" Fred asked, shivering. I sighed and pulled out 3 more coats. They were lucky they weren't hot pink, or they would've been utterly humiliated. 

"Thanks. Now, the book said that Slytherin's ring would be somewhere here. Thing is, where in Merlin's trousers are we?" James said. 

"Well, based on our location, and our surrounding, we would be in Toronto, Canada." Fred said. 

"Wait... how do you know that?" I asked. Fred was actually smart?

"I just took in our surroundings! It's not that hard you know." Fred said. James, Albus and I looked at each other knowing what was happening.

"Fred... I think that Ravenclaw chose you. Check your forearm." Albus said. Fred quickly rolled up his sleeve and there it was, a blue eagle. An R was above the blue eagle, indicating Ravenclaw chose him. 

"Why is it that Fred was the one that Ravenclaw chose here when we're trying to find Slytherin's ring? Isn't that a little strange?" I said. James and Albus nodded in agreement. 

"That doesn't matter now! We have to see which one of us was chosen by Slytherin!" James said. I saw Albus open his mouth, but I didn't hear anything. It was if I was... possesed. I started to walk towards a mountain. Thing is, I didn't even have any control over where I was going. I started to walk up the mountain and I stopped in the middle of it. Then I saw a door that had a green glow to it. I pushed it open with my hand and there it stood, in a sea of snakes on a pedestal, Slytherin's ring. I started to walk towards it, and all of the snakes cleared a way for me. I snatched the ring off the pedestal and suddenly I snapped back to reality. 

"JAZLYN! WHAT THE BLOODY HELL ARE YOU DOING?! GET OUT FROM THERE!" James yelled, motioning me to come over. I was about to walk towards him, but a snake hissed and bit my ankle. I felt a little dizzy and the world turned black. 

(Draco's POV)

I was pacing back and forward. I hadn't seen Jazlyn and I received a letter that said that she wasn't in Hogwarts along with James Potter II, Fred Weasley II, and Albus Potter. I heard a "oof" come from my living room. I hurried downstairs hoping that it was Jazlyn coming home fine, but instead it was Potter.

"Hello Harry, what brings you here?" I asked.

"Did you receive a letter that the kids aren't at Hogwarts?" he asked. He looked downright awful. His messy hair was untamable, and he had bags under his eyes. 

"Yes, as a matter of fact I did. Care to entertain me on why our children dissapered suddenly?" I asked, motioning for him to follow me. He followed me into the kitchen and I handed him a donut. I know, it's a Muggle thing, but I had changed over the years.  

"I was looking at their dorms and when I looked at the boys, I noticed this book about the old founders. Sure, we destroyed the Horcruxes, but they regnerated somehow. McGonagall told me that James, Fred, and Jazlyn had become close friends. I plan to retrace their steps... care to come with me?" he asked, explaining everything. 

I thought it out for a few seconds. If I accepted then, I could fulfill my promise that I could protect Jazlyn... but I would have to deal with Potter. Well, the things you risk for your daughter. 

"I'm in." I said. He nodded and we apparated to the first location. Merlin, I hope that their still there and alive. 

(James' POV)

I saw Jazlyn fall down when the snake bit her. She was sprawled all over the ground and writhing in pain. I lept forward, and pulled out my wand, yelling spell after spell. Once I reached her, I picked her up bridal style and walked back. The snakes got the hint to not mess with me and I made it back to the boys. I set her down and bent down so that I could see her. She was pale and when I rolled up her sleeve to check her pulse, there it was, the Slytherin symbol. Why was she Slytherin? Sure she acted like one from time to time, but what if these were her true colors. 

"Mate, we have to go. If we can Floo to the next destination, I'm pretty sure that their would be a medical place in case someone got hurt. Let's go." Fred said, trying to convince me. I didn't leave her side, but Albus placed a hand to my shoulder. 

"James, I know that Jazlyn was very brave when I saw her go with you guys. All that she's asking is that you be brave... for her." Albus said. I nodded and picked her up. We all held hands, while I was hanging on to her. 

"Next stop... Falls Church, Virginia." Fred said, and we dissapered in a roar of the flames. 

(Draco's POV)

We made it to the first location of the kids. It didn't look like anything happened... must've been one of Potter's sons handywork. 

"Show me what happened." Harry said, whispering to his wand and he flashed it above his head. It made some light burst to the ceiling and we saw what happened. James, Fred, and Jazlyn used Floo powder to come here, then later on, Albus came in and he was in some sort of a trance. It was creepy, honestly. I saw Harry shudder at how his child was possessed in some way. He opened some secret door and took Hufflepuff's goblet. The kids gathered around and they saw that Albus had some sort of mark on his forearm. The memory ended and I let out the breath I was holding in. 

"The next destination that they went to is... Canada. Where Slytherin's ring is." Harry breathed out. 

Oh Jazlyn. What have you gotten yourself into?

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