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Harry who hadn't removed his eyes from tom's face saw the 'my lord' grimace slightly and then the man spoke in a tone smoother then before. "Get up barty" barty quickly stood up but didn't raised his head or looked at tom in general. "No need to be scared. I am not going to curse you, you can relax and maybe levitate quirrel to a room where the man can rest"

Barry frowned as he raised his head and harry could have exploded with how much of laughter he was trying to stop in his eleven year old body. On Barty's face was written confusion, the boy was confused if the man standing in front of him was really his lord, his master, the one who crucio-ed people for fun and if they failed even a little he would kill him. What had harry done to his lord and who the man in front of him was ?

Tom read that too because he rolled his eyes. Tom marvolo riddle rolled his eyes and harry let out a snicker. Yes childish but he was tapped in a eleven year old body. Sue him !

"Do I need to repeat myself ?" That wasa stern tone in tom's voice as if he was a parent trying to bring his child on line. Barty winced and quickly brandished his wand and levitated quirrel, a new speed assisting his work and steps.

"Wow" harry burst out laughing the second the younger boy disappeared. Well it was a irony because now tom looked older then barty who would too young in comparison. "That was epic ! I will need your memories every time some old follower of yours sees you !"

"And why will I give you my memory ?" Tom asked walking to the chair barty was on and plopped down. Like actually plopping down. What had harry done to the male ? Whatever who cares.

"I am your little hoxcrux" harry answered as if that solved everything, "and  besides I only want ickle lucius and if we meet bellatrix the insane lady and possibly severus, I would love to see their jaws hitting the ground." He plopped on the chair in front of tom. "If possible, I can be there too."

"You never told me how you know this much" tom drawled out blue eyes burning on harry's forehead. "Because no one else beside me knows such things especially my hoxcruxes"

"Hmmm" harry sighed leaning back, "what are you plans now that you are sane or well mostly sane ?"

"Asking about my thoughts ?" Tom asked, his lips forming a slight samrik which would have quite a difficult task to imagine as lord voldemort was a lipless a d lidless snake human hybrid, "from what I have seen.... Mass murder is out of plan but world domination is still one of it"

"That wasn't hard to guess" harry nodded. "So are you still gonna be pureblood worshipper and muggleborn killer ? If yes then Imma head out and maybe kill you on later date"

"I was never a pureblood worshipper" harry glared at tom, his one of the life had been spent because elf that thing, "I belived in wizarding customs, yes but not in blood superiority. I am a half blood, Dumbeldore is a half blood and we are pretty much the strongest wizards ever."

"Dude you forgot someone very important." Harry pointed to himself, "I just resurrected you and have a phoenix perched on my shoulder" tom waved his hand, a lazy smirk resting on his face.

"I had invited your muggleborn mother to join me even when I was insane" tom sat up straighter "and I believe your muggleborn friend granger could be a great follower"

Harry narrowed his eyes, "when I said my family and friends I also meant her" but once again tom waved his hand in dismissal. "I am not gonna hurt any of them. Tom riddle and lord voldemort are dead."

Harry sat up straighter green eyes filling with excitement and curiosity, "tom hated his his and voldemort hated anyone. This is thomas" he grinned pointing at himself, "thomas riddle responds when called with this an me and loves magic and respects everyone except Dumbledore"

The grin on harry's face could rival a chasire cat, "why sudden change of heart ?"

"Oh creating hoxcrux did a number on my sanity." Tom grinned a perfect rows of teeth on display, "keeping bits of soul in different articles does that to one and yet it doesn't answer how you know my secret ?"

"Well if you have disclosed so many of your secrets to me" harry stood up, "then let me introduce you to someone." Agni took a flight from his shoulder knowing what he was going to do and surprisingly sat on tom's shoulder but the male didn't even flinch. Even a bit. He looked excited instead. "Oh her name is agni"

Tom made a 'oh' face and it was still surprising to see tom expressing himself easily, he had imagined tom to be a uptight bitch. He sighed and let his ear cuffs do their magic. His grin widened and so did tom's surprise as his height grew several inches and his hairs also grew.

"Who. Are. you ?" Tom asked calmly.

"Harry potter." Harry grinned, "but deities love to call me leviathan hadrian" he rolled his shoulder and felt his wings find their wings out and after seeing tom's mind blown face, he was sure the wings were at full height. "It's my second life as harry potter. You tried to kill me, killed my parents and sent me to abusive relatives instead, then resurrected yourself in my fourth year, killed a good friend in front of eyes, tortured people, got my godfather and only way out of my abusive home killed, tortured a boy to kill dumbledore and then Dumbeldore showed me your memories and told me you had hoxcrux which I found on run with my friends and destroyed, you killed me, I came back, killed you well actually you killed yourself and then boom I die and wake up in hell and somehow got thrown back with some changes made by deities."

Tom blinked processing everything, "so they threw back to resurrect me ?" He looked quite confused and totally not sure. If this was real tom and harry was loving it.

"No. They told me that this will help me change my opinion, stripped me off my realms and sent me here as baby. Imagine being almost a half a century year old living as baby !" Harry sighed and rolled his wings back it. Oh he forgot to show the tattoos.

"So you are saying they sent you here to embrace dark ?" Harry nodded, "precisely." Tom still looked gobsmacked but cogs but turning in that pretty head "when you were already sent to hell in first place" harry tsked, "I am prince of hell dude. Son of lucifer and lilith aka chaos, godson or something of hecate and friends with life and death, I wasn't sent to hell, I lived in hell tortured souls, builts a new line of demons, killed people and shit."

Tom blinked, "then you mean to say you were already killing and torturing and then you were sent to earth to embrace your dark side ?" Huh ? "From what I have seen killing and torturing are seen as epitome of darkness especially if you prince of hell."

That....... Sounds legit correct. "So you mean there could be another reason....." His eyes narrowed, there could be a second reason because no way in hell would lucifer care about how wizarding world was going when he was getting enough souls and nor would chaos want to suppress war which literally means chaos.....

Tom nodded, eyes also narrowed as both stared at each other thinking of different reasons of why could harry be sent back to land of livings, "Exactly"

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