"Yeah, sorry."


A few minutes later, they arrived at the cafe. But something is up to the cafe that made its owners, Guini and Den stop further approaching it.

"Didn't you close the gate?" Den asked her friend as her eyes did that left the opened gate.

"I did... You also turned off the lights right?" She questioned back, looking at her friend's furrowed eyebrows.

"Something is really up... Do you think---"

"What's going on?" Kakucho asked as he approached the two women. He is walking a few meters away that's why he did not notice the cafe's situation immediately. 

The two did not bother answering him and just stared at their cafe. Kakucho then followed were their eyes looking at.

"Why is your cafe open?" He asked confused. He clearly remembered that the two women closed it. He even doubled checked it himself.

"Stay here. Don't call the cops." He said firmly, grabbing the hidden small gun on his vest's pocket shocking the two women.

'Fuck! It's a freaking gun! Our guts were right!'

'Is this Guini and I's last night!?'

Guini and Den shock at the sudden appearance of gun and Kakucho's serious face then decided to move a few meters away, Guini covering Emma's eyes in the process.

"What's going on Auntie? Mommy?" She asked, confused as to why they did not enter the cafe.

"Where's Uncle Kaku?" She then looks around between the gaps in Guini's fingers but did not find her favorite uncle anywhere.




"AHH!" The three women shouted while covering their ears. Shaking, they look at where the sounds of gunshots were heard. It was from the direction of the cafe.

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