I know I have a lot and I know the bargain on my head is much higher than anyone else's is in this war.

I pulled into the parking lot and grabbed the bags before going to the back.

"Yes! You came baring snacks!" Demetri and Mitch rushed to grab the bags and hand everyone there snacks.

Soon I felt a presence behind me.

"Hey Kiki." It was miguel.
"Hey dude, Look, I'm not here to start problems or anything. I'm pretty much done with the whole karate thing."
" that's nice to hear but I was kinda wondering if you heard from Eli." "How would I-" "come on don't try to lie. He's been making that dumb face recently and he only makes it when he's been around you" he slightly nudged me playfully.

"Well in that case no I haven't heard from him since earlier but his message seemed cut off."
"That's weird."
"Maybe our nerves are just getting to us. I think he was going to change his tattoo."

He nodded at me and walked to the deck as his sensi's arrived and I went to stand with Demetri.

"Who do you have money on?" "There both fools demetri." He raised his eyebrows and nodded.


Johnny started offensively by lunging twords daniel and daniel blocked.
Eventually johnny punched daniel and won the first point.

"Point, Lawrence." Sam lifted the red flag and announced.

"Sensei lawrence strikes first!"

"True to the moto painted on his former dojo wall, and carved into his very being!" Chris and i looked at mitch like if he grew a second nose.

"Im just trynna capture the spirit." "Yeah well you should close your mouth and enjoy the show before you catch mosquitos " i gave him a dumb looking face and went back to paying attention to the match.

This time, daniel went in first with the defense and kicked johnny.

"Point larusso!"

Johnny looked at miguel and his eyes moved over twords the crowd and locked with mine.

He smiled for a bit but went back to his cold stature.

I didnt pay much attention to the match as my childhood replayed with him over in my head.

I was a fucking bitch.

He learned to raise a little girl on his own with no help and when he tries to have a paternal bond with a kid who has no dad, i flipped out.

For what?

I dont even know.

All of sudden my train of thought was ended by a thump.

Johnny and daniel were both falling to the ground.

"Point lawrence!"
"Point larusso!"
"Are you sure?" Sam and miguel said at the same time.

What did i miss?

We all crowded around chris' phone and daniel and johnny hit eachother at the exact same time.

I moved away as i heard someone walking twords us.
"Eli?" Miguel and i both went twords him.

He looked tense,

and hurt.

"Shit eli what happened?!" Demetri asked

As i was walking closer to him he removed his hood and i was so shocked i stumbled back.

His mohawk was gone. My breath was caught in my throat as his sad expression only got sadder.

Johnny pushed pass me and miguel and was face to face with eli.

"Who the hell did this?!"

"Cobra kai."
Suddenly everyone stopped and all eyes were on me.

What the fuck happened!

Love on the brain - E.MWhere stories live. Discover now