The Strongest Wine ever

Start from the beginning

"Zafer entered Bora's room. He was laying on his bed, exhausted and tired. He thought the one who has entered is Ali.
B: Ali I am not in a good mood.
Z: Bora! Oğlum.
He sat on his bed.
Z: Are you okay?
B: Yes dad. kinda..
Z: I want to ask you something.
B: Ask.
Z: I am buying a gift.. and I am confused which one of these to choose.

Zafer showed him two set of jewerlies for kids.
B: Who are you buying these for? Elif?
Z: No!! it's.. it's for a friend.
what do you think Bora?
B: I don't know dad!
Z: just look at them and choose one, I can't decide.
B: What do I know about jewerlies and these things? ask Mom, She can help better.
Z: I want your help.
B: Okay. let me see.
He took two boxes and looked at them. one of them had little flowers on its necklace and blue flowers on its earings. it was so soft and cute.
the other has stars on it and same as the other one.
B:M-hm.. I guess this one is better.
He showed the flower set.
Z: Really?
B: Yes. who is your friend dad? I mean if I know him...
Z: You don't.. thanks for your help.
He left the room"

Ada brought him a box: Your father brought this for Deniz.
Bora opened it. his guess was true.
B: Ada! this..
A: What?
B: He asked me about this, and I chose this.
A: Really?
B: Yes!
A: OMG! Now I am feeling so guilty! I made a hard situation for him!
B: Don't think Ada!!!
Hadi ya! I am leaving in the morning and we are talking about these.. and there is something.. what if you said my mom too?
A: Why?
B: cause explaining things to her is the hardest thing.
A: We can handle it together!
B: Of course! but I am scared when she will faint!
Ada couldn't hide her smile.
A: Hadi! let's go and sleep, I am tired and you have long way tomorrow.
B: Okay.

She saw the clock, it was 7:30 a.m. Ada slowly went out of the bed, trying not to wake up Bora.
She delayed alarm for a hour and tip toed and left the room.
She didn't sleep all night and after Bora fell asleep last night she did everything she wanted.
She went to Deniz's room and took out her and Deniz's suitcases and put them in the living room. She wore her jean trousers and white shirt with a dark green jacket.
Deniz woke up and fortunately she didn't made too much sound.
She wore her clothes with white fluffy clothes.
A: We are surprising your Dad, and your whole family!
when She heard Bora's sound from her room, she found out he is wake up. She refused answering and went to living room.
He came out of the room and said in hurry: You are wake up and you didn't wake me up? I missed the alarm.
A: You didn't miss the alarm!

He didn't understand what she said. He just noticed suitcases. He was still sleepy and it took time for him to notice that Ada is dressed too.
B: What are all these?
Ada went near to him, played with his messy hair.
B: Allah Allah! what is this in the morning?
She went up on her toes and kissed him, He answered her back.
B: Ada do you want to explain me what is happening? I hate this feeling of not understanding anything!
A: H-mm! I just thought... I don't know how to say..
She completely knew how to say. but she was enjoying teasing him.
B: Ada! don't make me crazy!
A: H-mm! think a bit. maybe it works.
B: Adaa!!
A: Yaa!! anla işte! we will come with you to Istanbul too!
B: What? how?? didn't you say you can't come? what about your job?
A: take a breathe! I will explain everything, but first, take a shower please.

Bora took a shower as fast as He could. He wore his clothes and got ready.
B: So now tell me!
A: we'll be late.
B: We won't! first explain.. then we'll go.
A: Okay! I'll do.

Ada explained everything, Bora's happiness was unexplainable.
B: God!! I am so happy now Ada!
A: I am too.
B: So! I'll put suit cases in the car. You made me so excited girl!!

He kissed Ada's forehead and stood up and went out of the house. Ada checked the house to see if she left something or not, and when she got sure, She cuddled Deniz, Turned off the lights and after taking a deep breath, she locked the door and left to the parking lot.
Bora was talking on his phone.
B: Okay Ali! I understand! I will be there tomorrow. Bye.
He hung up his phone, and looked at Ada.
B: Oh! you came, are you ready?
A: Yes.
Bora got Deniz from Ada and kissed her forehead and put her on the babyseat.
B: So lets go.
A: Lets go!
They both rode Bora's car and went in the rode to Istanbul. Deniz was playing with her little doll.
B: if you let me know sooner you could come with airplane, driving on road may make her tired.
A: it won't. and if I let you you know sooner, it wouldn't be a surprise anymore!
Bora laughed: OK!!!
A: and your daughter hates airplane!
B: really?
A: yes! the way you do!
B: Oha!!!
Ada smiled and looked at back to see if Deniz is okay. She was enjoying the music which was playing on the radio.
The way has been passing in calmness. Ada could see the smile on Bora's face. his eyes were shining.
Deniz started nagging and crying.
A: I think she is hungry, can you stop somewhere?
B: there is a gas station in a kilometer and it has somewhere for rest, we can stop there.
A: Okay.
They arrived, Ada made milk for Deniz and gave her, She got calm and naughty again. Bora was fueling up his car. after some minutes He came to Ada.
B: Is she okay? Are you done?
A: Yes!
B: I am done too. What do you think about having breakfast? I mean I am kinda hungry!
A: I am too!
B: There is a place here, we can have our breakfast there.
A: Okay.
They went to a restaurant there and Bora ordered the breakfast service of that restaurant.
Ada started eating: I was really hungry!
B: me too!
A: Bora?
He said while drinking his coffee.
A: what do you want to say to Elif?
B: I don't have any idea how should I tell her! but there is only one thing I know, that she will love Deniz!
A: And Deniz will love her too!
She sipped her coffee.
B: so.. Ada! I want to say something..
A: Say!
B: neyse. I will tell when we arrive Istanbul.
A: say!!!! why do you say when you don't want to talk?
B: I maybe have done something that makes you a bit angry.
A: what?
B: I bought house for ourselves. I mean not actually bought it yet, I told them that when we go Istanbul we will go to see the house and then..
A: Boraa!!!
B: I said you may get angry.
A: I am not angry because you are buying house, I am because you didn't tell me about it.
B: you also didn't tell me about you are coming.
A: cause it was a surprise.
He bent a little and got near to her: you answered your own question. it was a surprise.
Ada said nothing. She just said: Okay! lets go!
Bora asked the waiter to bring the bill.
He paid the money and they left the restaurant, rode the car and continued their way again. the way which was bringing so much new things to them.

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