Part 6

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As Fabio locks the door, he heads to me.

"Promise you won't tell anyone." He said

"I won't let you down. I swear." I reply as he let out a sigh.

"Just make sure you don't go running around telling everyone in the planes next time. You're lucky you told me." I said as he laughs.

We talk for at least 20 minutes. He's telling me everything about Ale and Brando. It was getting spicy until someone knocks the door loudly. Fabio opens the door and there is Nico.

"Are you two?" He asks

"No no no" Fabio answer

As Fabio leaves and I go to follow him, Nico grabs my hand and pulls me into the bathroom and locks the door.

"Why are you angry at me? Is it because I told you to leave?" He said and said.

I just kept on ignoring him, trying to get past him as he blocks the way. Soon, I turn back and looks into the mirror. I proceed to look at the sink and I feel him staring at me through the mirror. I look up and look at him through the mirror.

"No we are good?" I said while smiling.

"You look hot." He smirk.

I smile as someone knocked on the door. It was Virginia with some girls including Zoe.

"Did you just call her hot?" She asked while letting out her crocodile tears.

Nico looked at me and then looked back.

"Her? Of all the girls I would called hot. You think I'd call her hot? Baby are you kidding me? Look at her, come one baby. She doesn't look half as good as you." He said as he walks away.

The other girls gave a mean stare. Zoe just looked down. I let out a tear. I closed the door. What the fuck. Do I looks that bad.He just said I looked good, I thought to myself. I try to open my phone just to see that battery dead symbol. I lean to the door and I just fell on the floor. I am I supposed to do. I can't go out there. I can't call Ludo and Chiara, my phone dead. I don't have a place to stay. I can't call my family. What am I supposed to do. I saw a window. I try to open it. It was a bit small but that was the best idea. I try to get out and successfully I did. Now I am on the roof. What the hell was I thinking.

"No no no this isn't a good idea" I said to myself as I try getting back into the wi dow as I heard the bathroom door open.

Fuck! What am I supposed to do now? I lean to the edge to the roof and try to jump to the grass. Instead I fell and hit my arm. I got up and ran. Thank god I wore converse otherwise I would be sprinting in my heels. Now where do I run to? I go to this gas station. I look through and see a snack I like.

"Yo look can I have this. I don't have any money but I promise I will pay you back." I said to the person.

"Look, if you can't afford it then put it back" He said rudely.

Ughh why does my day keep on getting worse. I sat on the street, starving and with my short dress. There were many creeps that were getting close to me as I was wearing a short shirt. All the rich people who were walking by either gave me the pity look or the disgusted look. I left, I couldn't to it anymore. I run back to the house. At this point it was already 3 a.m. When I had reached. The lights were off and everything was pitched black. My makeup was everywhere. My hair was messy due to the creeps. I was getting closer to the doorbell and I wanted to ring it but one of the creeps decided to follow me.

Nico's POV

I wake up as I hear someone screaming. I can hear "let me go, let me go" I run downstairs rubbing my eyes and the voice get louder. I open the door with a hockey stick in my hand. I saw a old guy grabbing Sydney private parts, trying to cover her mouth and pulling her away. I also see that Sydney hand got hurt. I raise the hockey stick but the guy runs away. She runs to my side. I look at her, she was just standing there looking at the floor, not moving.

"Are you okay?" I said

She didn't reply. A tear fell out of her eye. Her mascara smudge all over her face. She was terrified. I thought she had left early because I didn't see her walk out of the front door. I Pull her in for a tight hug. Only after a few second her hands wrapped around me. I heard her cry softly. I didn't know what to do. I pulled away and took her inside.

"What happened to your Arm?" I asked as we sat down in the kitchen while giving her an ice pack from the fridge.

"I jumped out of the bathroom window, went to a shop to get food but I dint have anemone, planed on staying on the road but too many creeps while trying to get to me. Couldn't call Ludo or Chiara cause my phone is dead." She says softly while taking the ice pack and putting it on her arm.

I gave her a charger as she smiles at me and says thank you. I open my phone and I call Chiara. I move away from here so that she won't worry.

"Chiara can you come pick Sydney up." I ask

"Who is Sydney, Chiara is busy.. taking care of me." An elder mans voice says.

"Where is Chiara, what are you doing to her?" I said worried.

"Look Nico, you don't own me anymore." Chiara Says

I can know that she is drunk by her voice.

"What are you doing. You know what? I have bigger issues to deal with." I said right before cutting the call.

What is Chiara doing? I hope Sydney doesn't get influenced by her. I take out my phone and search for Ludo's number. I have never called her before so I just opened instagram and searched her name. I pressed the call button.

"Hello?" Ludo says in a grumpy voice cause its 4 a.m. and she was probably sleeping.

"I need you to pick Sydney from my house." I said

"WHAT? Is she hurt? Did you do anything to her? Is she ok? I swear to god if you do anything to her I will tear you apart. I am coming. Its a far drive so I will probably take 45 minutes. Don't do anything to her." She said.

I cut the call as I walk back to Sydney. I comfort her. I take her upstairs to my bed and I asked her to sleep for a while. 30 minutes later, I got a instagram call from Ludo.

"I can't come. My mom took my car. She is in a hotel. She will be back tomorrow morning. I fetch her them. Bye" She says.

I go to Cami's room and take out her old school uniform as there is school tomorrow. I really miss Cami. I hope she come's back soon. I place the uniform on My bed where Sydney is asleep. I walk to Cami's room. I lay on the bed as I could hear Sydney saying my name. I go to my room and see her with tears in her eyes.

"Hey, hey what's wrong?" I asked.

"I can't sleep. Every time I close my eyes, I see that man running towards me and doing the same thing. I cant take it anymore. I miss my mom and dad. " She says.

"Its okay, do you want me to sleep here?" I ask as she nods.

I hug her as she is fast asleep. She turns around and places her head on my stomach. I cuddle her. I have never felt this close to someone in my entire life. Me and Virginia don't have connections like these. I can't believe I told Virginia that Sydney was not half as pretty as her. I think that was the biggest lie I have ever said.

Authors note:
Thank you guys for the support! I didn't expect to get this much views! I love you guys so much!! Have a nice day! XX!!

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