Vormir (Druig)

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AN - Soooo I'm currently obsessed with writing Druig x Avenger reader imagines sooo here we go, this is another sad one sorry. But I love writing Angst

TW - Death, Basicly my version of Nat and clints scene on vormir so if you watched that and were okay, you should be fine with this, I hope.

Words - 1125 


'In order to take the stone you must loose that which you love.'

'An everlasting exchange.'

'A soul for a soul.'

I looked up at Druig and gave him a sad smile. He gently took my hand in his. No words were spoken as he pulled me a long a a rock, we sat down still holding each others hands before he spoke up. 

'Yn it has to be me I can't let you do this.' I shot my head up, 'No Druig, It makes so much more sense for me to go. You have the Eternals, your family they need you.' He shook his head and gave me a sad look, 'Yn you know what i've done.' I knew exactly what he meant6, he was talking about all the peoples minds he had taken over. 'Well I don't judge people on there past mistakes' My lip shook as I tried so hard not cry.

'Maybe you should' as he said that he stood up letting go of my hand. I was quick to follow taking his hand back into mine turning him to face me. He pressed him forehead against mine. 'Okay. You win' He whispered looking at me with those beautiful blue eyes. For a second I believed him but that was quickly changed when he kicked my foot out from underneath me causing me to fall on the ground.

He got on top of me pinning me down. 'Tell the Eternals I love them' I could see that smug look on his face, did he really think it was gonna  be this easy? 'Tell them yourself' I spoke back before kicking him off me. I stood above him with a taser and as much as I hated hurting him I pressed the button tasering him. He groaned in pain and I used this  to my advantage.

Just as I was about to start running my mind went blank, I had no control over my thoughts anymore. I couldn't process anything happening around me all I knew was I was being instructed to walk back over to the rock I was sitting on just moments ago.

Druigs POV

I knew I shouldn't do it I promised Yn I would never use my powers on her, I swore I would let her live her own life with her own choices. But I could not have her kill herself for such a stupid manner. So all though it pained me to break my promise to Yn, I knew it would pain me more to see her die.

I made her walk over back to the rock we had just sat at, she sat down and I walked over to her. I knew she couldn't understand or comprehend anything I was going to say to her. As she was still under my control but I had to say one last goodbye.

'Yn, I know you can't hear me but I can't least without saying my last goodbye.' A silent tear feel down my face as I looked over Yn her beautiful YCE (your eye color) now the evil gold that I hated so much.

'I am so damn grateful to have met you Yn, I love you so much. I am so incredible happy to have had lived the live I got to live with you. All the times I got to wake up with your beautiful body in my arms, All the times you insisted on cleaning my wounds before your own. All the times we had to hide in the shower, afraid of getting caught.' I giggled a little at that last sentence all the memories of the two of you secretly showering together before you told anyone you were actually together.

'I'm gonna miss the way your beautiful eyes crinkle when you laugh or smile, I'm gonna miss the way you scrunch your nose when you get really excited about something. But most of all im going to miss how you make me feel, no matter how shit a day I'm having the second you walk into the room my mood get better. You are and always have been the light of my life and I can't thank you enough for all the wonderful memories you have given me throughout my lifetime. And I hope to see you again soon my beautiful beautiful Yn.' A sob racked my body as I looked down to Yns unresponsive form. I placed a kiss on her forehead and stood up regaining my posture.

I took a deep breathe as I turned my view to the cliffs end. I looked back at my beautiful Yn one last time before I started running.

It was so strange as I ran I didn't feel scared, My thoughts were so at peace as I jumped. I let gravity take it from here as I shut my eyes focusing on the calmness of this place. In my last moments I thought of Yn and all the good times with her.

And just before I hit that cold hard ground a smile found its way onto my face.


I jolted up from wherever I was. 'Druig' I called out. I looked around confused before it all came back to me. In order to take the stone you must loose that which you love. An everlasting exchange. A soul for a soul . Yn it has to be me, I can't let you do this.

'No no no no, DRUIG' I screamed out. 'Druig, Druig where are you.' I cried out hoping this was all a sick dream. 'No Druig' I sobbed as I hung my head low I noticed a orange glow beaming through my hands. 

I pulled my hand up and out of the water and opened it slowly praying that what I thought was in my hands wasn't. But there it was. 

The soul stone, he had really done it he sacrificed himself and for what? This tiny stone. I cried as I looked down at this horrible stone, This tiny object had ruined my life. Taken away every bit of happiness I had. Killed my soulmate. My god If I ever saw Thanos again I am going to destroy him. Just as he has done to me.

AN - Sorry this kinda sucked but I wanted to write it anyways. I've decided I am going to do a part two to the 'Dust' Imagine and possibly a part 3 so stay tuned for that

Anyways Love u all

Barry Keoghan ImaginesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ